
Just because “WOMEN in the case brought up race” doesn’t excuse your racist comments.

Are you saying black people can’t be just as loud as anyone else or they should be quieter than everyone else? Regardless, both are racist and stupid. There may not be enough information about this situation...but at least we have enough evidence of your racism.

You really just assume whatever you like while making random racist remarks? Why? You seem to want to boil this down to race, you should quit making racist remarks about this situation.

To hear hoofbeats and think zebras in the US would also would not be unusual I guess. You seem to have some racist ideals that are spilling into your comments. I suggest you read the story again, and your remarks. Racism isn’t a death sentence, just work on it. You don’t have to be a racist for the rest of your life,

Well you seem to have some underlying agenda and don’t seem to want to understand the truth in the story. So if it’s your racist or sexist views, I will leave that up to you to figure out.

How is the “evidence” in their favor? You realize it’s racist to discriminate against someone(s) on the basis of their race, which it sounds like from your comments.

Why did you bring up race, if the CEO didn’t? Isn’t that racist all by itself? Why bring up race, unless you are focused on it, which should show you that you might be a racist and apparently not know it or must defend your self to the point “I think thou doth protest too much”.

Wow, do you read your own posts? You suggested it multiple times? Jeez, you need to quit posting racist stuff man.

Wow, your racist comments are truly sad. You should really consider getting some help.

I never saw the FF in the logo til these pics....Anyone else?

You can call it the “Bradley Fighting Vehicle of the Sea” or the “Sailing F35" Add some 12" guns for a little extra fighting power, maybe a scoop deck to let the VTOLs take off. So what if it can’t transport as much stuff, you can build a transport for that.

Well, you can support her and Charles Manson. Mental problems may explain why you are a piece of shit, but you are still a piece of shit; or fucking asshole. There is no “excuse” for what she did, you can’t excuse this type of behavior. She can get help in prison, and hopefully by the time her life sentence expires,

She was a slime of a person and deserves everything she gets. She didn’t just say “go kill yourself”, she spent a lot of time manipulating her “boyfirend”. No one should protect her, I get the freedom of speech angle, but freedom of speech has limits, and she went WAY past them.

Do you really think everyone who clapped was made aware of the father’s cancer? I imagine most just knew the flight was delayed, and the reason was leaving the plane. And as for the kids allergy, where was the dog? If there was a dog near him, they could have moved them to opposite ends of the plane. If he is that

Sorry, but if that picture is any indication....he has stubble, not a beard.

You would still only get a picture of a guy shitting on your car, don’t think the cops are going to do anything for him. Maybe an indecency charge, but if it was from a was shit....biodegradable, birds do it on my car, I wonder if it was a dog, natural shit. No permanent damage, so what is the

I have pooped without peeing, so there is one vote for the possibility.

Just to keep it in perspective, 1 on 1- German tanks win most of the time....just saying. It was the totality of all 100% of tank production that won the war.

The Sorry is only added by Canadian Armed Forces...and it sounds like “Suri”. It would be “Suri about this, but if ya do not respond immediately, I’ll be having to shoot ya down, Okay?”

Its a freaking movie, not a civil rights movement. Like the story or not, be a guy, a girl, or identify as a doesn’t matter. Everything is not about sex, race, national origin, sexual orientation, or sexual identification. So quit making stores like it is.....