Give Me Libby Casey or Give Me Death

Well done, Average Internet Dumbfuck Who Will Die Alone!

No they don’t! You wrote them! I saw you doing it!

Not a single MCU album smdh

“Goddamnit, now I have to take over James Franco’s acting school?” - Christopher Plummer.

I know George Lucas is supposed to be the king of needlessly answering questions that literally no fan has ever asked, but not even he bothered tackling “how do Jedi take a shit?” Kudos, J. K.

My favorite Mission Impossible was the one where they thought he was the mole and he had to go rogue to find the mole who turned out not to be him.

You might call it hairsplitting.  I call it proof that Natasha is a filthy liar, and my faith in hollywood has been shattered!

Damn, Perkins.

“How many pictures, exactly, are in a ‘about’? And, relatedly:

podcasts are a new name for radio shows since they aren’t broadcast on AM or FM & accessible online so really they’re much older than that, really. Talking into a microphone so people can hear you is about as old as the microphone.

Bang! Pow! These days, comic book stories aren’t just for kids, and the new Wonder Woman movie coming out in 2020 is hoping that adult audiences will give a movie based on a comic book a try. Will this risky bet pay off? Time will tell!  

I much prefer the articles.  Much easier to consume whilst looking like you are working.

I’m still not, but I did think about it.

If this weren’t Judy Greer, there’s no way in hell I’d watch a video of version of something usually presented in handy article format.

I think the scene where Paddington introduces his prison buddies to the Browns was the hardest I laughed all that year.

See also Babe for me, and strangely enough Mad Max Fury Road

I feel like Tarantino got tired of making movies after Jackie Brown. Then, he needed money and couldn’t get any more cameo roles, so he decided, “Fine, I’ll make that Lady Snowblood rip-off Uma and I have been talking about,” then it did well, so he made every type of genre picture he wanted to do, and with Once Upon

Ah, the 20th anniversary of everyone forgetting that Saving Private Ryan isn’t as good as they remember.

Technically no; he only tells Stanley “go to bed,” multiple when Stanley wakes him up to make his “be nicer” demand. But there’s an unmistakable difference in the delivery when he says it the final time, one that can be wholly attributed to Michael Bowen’s delivery (he was inevitably overshadowed in such a stacked

No, but they could have added Shaft, who is one bad mother