
Keep engineering cars to combat stupid, you’re just engineering the next level of stupid.

There is no meaningful way for them to prevent this, aside from disabling mobile phones while they’re mobile. I’m so tired of living in a world where the lowest common denominators set the standards for EVERYTHING. If those people weren’t on their phones they would have been reading the newspaper or a book or doing

Depends if you drive a 90s Explorer or not...

Nope. I’m mocking how gullible all you liberals are. I was against Trump until I saw how you people openly mock and believe every single thing any pathetic website says about him. You refer to him as the walking Orange Cyst, but if you were to refer to Obama as walking Chocolate Bar you would instantly be labeled a

VW TDI - because this is Monopoly and you know they are going to cheat anyway.

Mercedes DerMercedes

What’s the difference between porcupines and BMWs?

Knowing most Tesla drivers, they will definitely drive in the left lane at the speed limit.

Does it really suck? Look, from a mechanical marvel standpoint, I can appreciate rotary engines. From a fundamental functionality standpoint, they’re terrible.

As an affected VW diesel owner, I’m totally with you on the first sentence. You lost me with the later ones.

Based on his car choices... This has to be what the rest of David’s life looks like:

Not all change is good change.


This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

You have arrived at your destination

I bet whatever device his voice is used on will get perturbed if you get anywhere near the speed limit.

All major credit and debit cards accepted

Awww that’s cute comparing it to a $70,000 vehicle. But when I buy a $140,000+ vehicle I prefer it to actually have good build quality and quality materials.

i like saying polestar as if it rhymes with molester