
Nah, they will get the much better looking Benz instead

I wonder what will happen when the Hand of the King meets the Face of the Producer?

The extreme levels of violence was perpetrated by protestors at his rallies. No one forced leftist protestors to attack Trump supporters en masse for their political beliefs. Notice how there were zero physical altercations at Bernie and Hillary rallies perpetrated by right wing protestors.

“whose party has a long history of voter suppression”?

But usually cars sit on someone else’s property (private or “public”) when they are parked, aside from at the owner’s own property. So, absolutely tow that shit away, especially if it’s habitual.

But really Top Gear has been in Simpsons for years.

5 years later...

Lamborghinis aren’t just used to cart around asses, I guess I was wrong.

This is the correct answer.

I’ve nearly fallen asleep at the wheel no more than 20 mins from home and was at the point where I wasn’t about to risk it. Pulled over, took a 20 min nap, then idled the car for a moment and was off and running. Coulda gone another 2 hours at that point. What was shocking is it felt like a Big Deal when I stopped,

Because, regardless of how scripted the old show was, the guys were pretty genuine and pretty honest in their words and interactions. Sure, events were scripted. But how they got along with each other was something you cant script.

That may be better. I like weird art bikes and banana seat vintage bikes and all that. There’s just some quality about the recumbent bikes that combines the smugness of a Prius with the aggressive insecurity of someone with some kind of food agenda.

The Mustang’s driver.

My neighbor has a black one. Always sounds good!

Producers see 6th Gear as a more efficient option.

For me, that has always been the prime question when making any sort of large purchase that has to be financed. Interest rate, resale value, total cost, are all secondary considerations. Not that they aren’t important but they mean less in the near term than does monthly payment. I don’t care if the overall price over

This is a good point and I have this conversation with my clients often. They come to me with a target payment, but also a price range that doesn’t match up. So we have to have a conversation about what their budget really is and work backwards to find a car that fits.

States that don’t have helmet laws baffle me. Fine, don’t require a helmet to ride, but if you’re not wearing a helmet, there’s should be a federal law in place to allow insurance companies to triple your insurance premiums, and waive payout if you kick the bucket. It does not matter if it’s your fault or the fault