
Maybe he should do us all a favor and stick one more appendage in there, not on video of course.

This is one of those rare times where a company found the absolute perfect and overbuilt part, then realized it wasn’t economically feasibly scalable for future models, even their own supercars. So it’s a low-volume part with extremely specialized manufacturing, that lasts a long time on a car that usually isn’t

Other than the wheels, I really like the look of this. The front end is very late 70s-early 80s so following what’s retro right now but IMO in a good way. The roof reminds me of some of their older concepts, we all know the cantilever-look roof is in right now but this is different enough to make it not look too

Had the video gone on I bet good money he would say “aside from that the car’s great! I’d buy another one in a heartbeat!” like all moronic Tesla stans do after their CVS receipt-sized list of complaints.

I’d rock a 4C with a DCT, but I just gave up my manual BMW for a new Giulia and that’s the one thing I miss, hell if it was even only available on the QV I would have taken the financial risk on a heavily depreciated used one!

Not everyone needs app support though. My wife’s hospital unit switched from decade-old brick phones to iPhones recently for communication throughout the hospital between nurses and support staff, because it was the thing to do. It was probably a $250k investment. They have computers at every station and do not need

Wisconsin I completely get. On the highways there’s absolutely no lane discipline compared to neighboring states, it’s like go over the border from Minnesota and everyone immediately gets into the left lane to camp.

That’s the point, they’re always spelled wrong that way in craigslist/FB listings.

The XB and in small part XA were definitely bought more by old people, but you’re also forgetting about the TC which was a cheap Civic SI Coupe wannabe. Between that and the FRS which was most likely its main seller in later years would be enough to skew the results towards young speeders.

And yellow brake calipers!? What’s up with that?

I generally don’t like Lexus at all but the LFA has definitely grown on me and I’d argue the opposite, the car has aged well. I also wouldn’t compare it to an AMG GT-BS, that’s a track monster so not even close in experience. If you’re going to compare it to a Benz it’s more like an SLR. A bit off-the-wall styling

This has absolutely nothing to do with the type of car you buy but what type of person buys certain car types.

I feel like the Razor experience won’t be the same now that data is cheap. No more worrying about your parents seeing the bill because you accidentally pushed the button to go online for one second.

I have a feeling these will primarily used by companies as work phones. If all you need it for is communication there’s no need to spend 10 times the amount for iPhones for everyone when all your employees probably have their own smartphone already.

Ha, I was the same way for a long time. My daughter is at a point where she randomly decides to dump her entire bag of cheerios into her seat, and she routinely takes off her shoes/socks in the car and puts her shoes back on without socks, so at least one of them gets buried somewhere. I’ve had to at least weekly take

I used to sell Mercedes and got to drive a lot of cars during that time, I agree on paper the G is stupid. But drive one if you ever get a chance, they really are special feeling, even compared to a Range Rover or other big luxury SUVs. They’re stupid, but I get it.

Couple things:

When you put something on autopay, you give consent for them to take the payment out of your account on a regular basis for your own convenience. There’s a bigger number of monthly expenses than ever these days, and along with that comes each expense’s unique login which if you can remember great, but I’m not even old

Honestly, why is this a bad thing? A household with a married couple probably has at least four cards, two debit cards and two credit cards. They expire at different times and you get updated ones with new numbers. It’s a pain in the ass to remember what’s on each, log into each service (that you probably hadn’t

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