
They all choose their own cars to buy for the segments, he chooses to bring his own projects and uses dubious “math” to justify it being in budget. It’s annoying and I would definitely call it cheating whether it’s scripted or not, and using his own cars that are already over-drawn out on his own channel is annoying

I’ve always been told running it really low can cause it to overheat because the fuel actually cools the pump. Not sure I believe that either with how many times my wife has run to zero miles range and have never had to replace a fuel pump in any of our cars.

Tavarish cheats on CarTrek and it got old after the second time, all he does is brings his already-done projects and then whines when they call him out on it.

Problem is, if it’s a motoring show like Top Gear and not a travel with cars show like TGT, who is going to do it? Top Gear got their trio from old Top Gear, who got there from being motor journalists. They gotta know cars well enough, and also be able to drive well. Sorry but motor journalists mostly aren’t good on

He’s had a fair collection of classic VWs, had a 70s 911 at one point, and I believe has had a few American classics too. Given TGT is less a car journalism show that Top Gear is and more a travel show with cars I think he’d be a good fit because he’s done massive journeys on bikes. And anyone who’s done that is going

Prices may be similar adjusted for inflation but don’t forget there’s two other factors in play right now. High interest rates and a big drop in the used car market. There’s a lot of 3-4 year buyers that got a stupid deal on their new truck in 2020, 0% interest, and a stupid value on their trade-in. Good enough of a

As someone who is stupidly picky when it comes to cars, this is a tough one. There are very few cars out now that I actually like, most of them are one car in the whole lineup so that disqualifies them. And then there are the automakers I used to like as a whole that went along and ruined that (VW getting rid of

The problem I see with the TG reboots/derivations is that we were all so invested in the original trio, and in the US unless you watched youtube only one of the replacements was a known entity (Matt Leblanc). So it was easy to just stop watching, and you had to actually give it a good shot to get into the new guys. I

Around here in MN it seems it’s changed over the last 15 years from Camrys to CR-Vs, to now Subarus. It seems like every old person is driving Subarus now. They’re AWD and they sit up higher than a sedan but not as high as an SUV. Plus they’re boring so it’s perfect.

That’s the thing, it’s assumed maintenance is intensive and problems appear frequently because that’s what you hear from people posting on sites like this and on forums. You don’t hear about the people that are either not posters with no problems or not infuriated with their cars and encouraged to post. Just like

1. Seeing rust on your beloved daily for the first time is like seeing gray on your dog’s face, you come to the realization no matter what their time is limited.

Because the image people have always associated with dirty industry is smokestacks, and until they’re educated on what it is anything coming out of a tower at a plant looks like smoke.

This kind of stuff makes me wonder. We hear horror stories about all kinds of cars, sometimes from the first owner, often from the 3rd owners that bought them cheap. But for even the unreliable nightmare cares, there’s gotta be some that have just worked, right? Bought new by someone that just does normal maintenance

I like the look of the 300m and XLR, never expected a cross between them to look so good, but damn it does.

Mental note to avoid any car you’ve ever owned with cloth seats.

So many questions. Is the one car regardless of price also regardless of maintenance/repair costs because that’s covered too? Or is it something we need to keep up for the rest of our lives so we gotta take price of that into consideration? Is it also going to be infinitely rust-proof to last the rest of my life? Does

Because the only people I’ve ever heard talk about those kind of features in that way were actual brand ambassadors, either coming for training or the ones that were hired for auto shows.

We’ve seen this argument before in many forms. What I’d really like to see is the total environmental impact, not just emissions apples to apples. What is the impact of: increased tire emissions, battery production and increasing power grid supply to be able to support completely replacing all current vehicles on the

It specifically says in the post to manually engage the electronic parking brake. So it’s a switch like all other electronic parking brakes, but more than a few other brands automatically engage when you are in park and turn the car off.

Mercedes is one of my favorite brands too though I don’t like the direction of a lot of the new stuff, when I sold them I did get to drive the 2022 C300 which was surprisingly nice, and we leased a loaded A220 for a few years. I didn’t mind the screens in the A nor did I mind the ambient lighting, just seems odd that