
No, they’re both the epitome of the burning building meme with the dog saying “this is fine.”

Yeah there’s no motivation behind it other than enjoyment. My friend’s Hyundai got stolen in Milwaukee last year and the cops said they’ll probably find it abandoned in a day or two which they did, and they’d get bored and find another car to steal and joyride. Didn’t even bother to look at cameras in the parking

That would have absolutely no effect. I get calls all the time to add new cars to peoples policies, they don’t ask about their insurance beforehand and they don’t watch the news, they just go buy their Hyundai Tuscon and then get surprised when either their rate goes way up or we need to rewrite them to a company

Yeah Vinfast isn’t Honda or Toyota. They’re a shitshow quality-wise, with all reviewers saying the models already coming to us underperform the specs, have terrible ride and handling, and are full of issues and are not fit for the US market, all the while their own marketing staff is throwing their lavish press

The whole fits 5 adults thing makes me think of the TG Vietnam special where everything was either a perfect fit or even too small for Hammond but way too small for the other two. It might fit five adults that are 5'5" but or two adults and three kids though.

I just looked it up and it does appear to be his company and the allegation is that she used the company card for her own personal expenses. So it doesn’t really matter what he spends his own money on. Comparing spending $22 of his own money on a Martini versus her allegedly spending six figures of his money on

Now I’m not really well-versed in what constitutes appropriate use of company funds, but it really seems like going after a martini purchase specifically means they have nothing to go on and are grasping at straws.

Will be interesting to see where they go with the new Ram... Page?

In theory that would be nice, but in my city (Minneapolis) the parking meters are single stations about once every block with just numbered posts at each spot and no power. If you’re in an area with powered meters at each spot maybe though.

That may be true, but isn’t it different if you lease it? Since the leasing company is technically the owner they get the tax credit, which is why so many of them are offering $7,500 lease rebates?

I was never a fan of chocolate milk, strawberry, banana, or orange cream all the way, and I do enjoy regular white milk too. But in school when I got hot lunch I always got chocolate. Why? Because the paper cartons made the white milk taste like rotten cardboard. I can certainly understand why kids aren’t taking the

Well I always had the school lunch until high school, but from what I can remember is we had like 10-15 minutes to eat before we were dismissed for 15 minutes of recess. That half hour was like the only time we had to goof off so most of the time was taken up by talking or whatever. I always had breakfast before going

Don’t think so, they don’t ask for ages of minor residents anywhere even in a quote/application, just the total number of household residents, at least in my state.

Problem there is in many states, specifically no-fault ones, unlicensed drivers are covered for PIP still, so even if you’re not legally allowed to drive you’re certainly allowed to be a passenger. Other residents with their own insurance like roommates will have their own PIP coverage with their policy, so they can

I don’t remember exactly what it is but there’s something in the laws about PIP/med pay protection for uninsured people paid through a state fund paid for by insurance companies, and if I remember correctly 14 was the cutoff. Some companies ask how many total household members when applying for the new policy and some

Yep, generally doesn’t cost anything to have them listed as non-rated household members but they do need to be listed.

If they’re stuck with it forever as their only car? 2005 BMW M5 auto. Sure it might be fun to drive, but while it works it’ll get low teens for mileage at best. When it doesn’t work, it really doesn’t work, and it’ll financially ruin him more than anything else out there.

I’ve noticed this in many professions where they are so specialized and it takes so much training and brainpower to be good at that they get dumb at everything else. It’s like they used up all their RAM for their job and can’t figure out simple things. I noticed it selling cars all the time, like finance guys who

No no no no no no no.

Yeah no, they’re heavily regulated by the commerce department in every state, have to file all new rates and rules, and most if not all states have maximum yearly rate increases allowed. Personally I’ve never had any issue having claims covered and they all include a surcharge disclosure in the policy which shows the