

This is why Al Gore invented the internet.

Donald Young is an absolute piece of shit. He gets is ass kicked, sulks like a bitch and acts like a classless asshole, then shamelessly plays the race card and accuses his opponent of racism.

The Show Me Your Meth Or I’ll Fucking Stab Your Face State 

And yet several of the athletes who were chosen to be flag bearers on the basis of their inspiring stories are Black, like Lopez Lomong at the 2008 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremonies, or Bryson Nellum at the 2012 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremonies. Sorry reality doesn’t fit your narrative.

That might mean something if the athlete most accomplished in their sport and most decorated is always, or even usually, the one to be chosen flag bearer. That hasn’t been the case at all. There have been times when that person has never won an Olympic medal, and never would, or simply has an inspiring story. Gee,

I’ve always liked Shani and do feel he was unfairly scrutinized during the team pursuit controversy in 2006 and the 2002 issue with Ohno.

Yeah, this was not one of the times to play the race card. Unless you (Davis) can prove that it was a trick coin, you lost the coin toss you agreed to fair and square. STFU and live with it.

How does one dishonorably toss a coin? Do you flip it with your penis instead of your hand?

I’m here to win medals and get laid, and it looks like they’re all out of medals.

Stop bringing race into this. She acted an ass and was properly criticized for it. End of story.  

damn so much hate! Lol. It’s sad that the writer and commenters choose racist insults and rhetoric as their initial comebacks to something as petty as social media opinion videos posted by 2 clowns. Scroll through this article and the comments section and imagine the race and roles reversed. You would basically be

I always find it amusing when protest groups rally and spend their time outside of their communities, making other people’s lives miserable. Yet, they always ask for someone else to take the time and money to invest in their community to make it better. Makes perfect sense.

I’m sure they made it real hard for the 20 people who were taking a train at that time to the game.

Robert Parrish?

This is a west coast vs east coast thing. Families from the west coast, like my wife’s, see a peck on the mouth as no big deal. Families from the east coast, like mine, prefer a nod of the head and then not speaking to each other except on major holidays, like Leap Year.

i’m surprised tom brady’s son isn’t just a football with googly eyes pasted on.

A lot of salt gathering between those team. Salt is good.

They don’t play again? Think you’re forgetting about the Finals, Tom.