
Ever since I watched her rip the mic away from Win Butler of Arcade Fire at the NBA All-Star Celebrity game when he tried to make a comment about universal health care, I’ve abhorred her ESPN-lapdog respectability politics. She’s a spineless twit who has no business conducting interviews, and she’s what I like to

Why f*** Conor? He’s a bit of an outspoken jackass but I don’t see anything else wrong there. Whereas Floyd’s history is, um, let’s go with “problematic”

Counterpoint: Justin Gaethje.

How much better could the environment get? If you’re looking for the complete and utter eradication of racism, I’m sorry to inform you it’s never going to happen. Please, find me a single perfect country. Heck, find me a single country anywhere in history that has not had discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice? You

Why are we acting as if Kaepernick is Tom Brady or Aaron Rogers or Russell Wilson? The guy is an AVERAGE QB at best and hate to bust your narrative, but Kaepernick didnt “literally lose his job for taking a knee”. He lost his job because of his own words and action AND he isnt good enough to overcome his own drama.

Colin Kapernick “lost” his job because his talent is not equal to the headache he brings. And as soon as your husband’s talent is exceeded by his baggage he will lose his too.

How does it show a lack of integrity?

Is there some handbook out there to show the acceptable ways to offer support?

Touching someone in such a manner is one of the top ways to offer support to someone. I don’t understand the vitriol directed at guys clearly supporting their fellow teammates when there’s a whole lineup

The national anthem might mean something different to them and it is because of their integrity that they stand but also because of their integrity that they lend their support. Curious you would call out a man’s integrity for showing support but ignore all the dudes who are dutifully standing on the sideline with

I think their backs hurt and so they are just leaning on them taking some of the pressure off their spines since they are down there anyways..

It sucks?

I know most here will disagree but the widespread rush to renounce the idea that ESPN’s declining popularity could be due to its liberal-bent is extremely telling. It was a constant refrain during the lay offs earlier this year. It is so important to you to abolish the very appearance of a conservative movement that

I mean, we’re gonna disagree then, even if you think I’m wrong. None of that is what people talk about when they are talking about these guys not standing for the anthems... not even this very web site does. I appreciate that you want to believe that, but I don’t see or hear it, nor do most people. Not in media

To keep you talking about it and eventually, you will hear something or see something that finally strikes a chord and changes how you personally approach these issues.

If the Browns start feeling the pressure, they can just release DeValve

Yeah you were.

are we 100% they weren’t protesting being stuck on the browns?

say it to my face

Perfect 5/7

I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s