
Right?! Those eyes! Those tears!

That day with Adam was excruciating. It brought back some things from my past that twisted my heart up and pulled the corners of my mouth down. Like, the whole instant reconciliation thing where the real, important reasons for the breakup get buried in nostalgia. I have tried that, holding on to what is truly gone

That is not at all what I am saying and I believe I made that pretty clear. I guess we aren't seeing the character in the same way.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but she gets something major from it, too. I think I established he's a maggot and she's a victim. Did she not say she's turned on by violence as well? Like she's stuck in some horrific web she fears and ultimately is shamed by, but yet she gets something from it as well.


So true! I think he's legitimately a hot mess nonetheless. I mean, he is a man-baby!

Loved that, too. And Charles Bradley? I thought I heard him, too.

I really liked it. I like him. I fully identify with the whole schleprock vibe. I about died when Artie said the sun coming through the window was like Cancun. And then it was. Also the Laverne Defazio L tattoo on skinny Yanni killed me!

This mutha-fucking band! I don't even think 'love' is a big enough word for this greatness! What an album!

I LOVE Shoshanna! Love her! Remember a couple of seasons ago when Marnie had everyone at the beach house and Elijah and his friend showed up? That was a classic episode, especially when Shosh just geeked on the girls and burned them to the core! She is certainly the most observant!

Haha! I thought the same thing! Desi is such a clueless little flitter nut. He's so sensitive, goopy and raw at the same time. I call him a flit-orius. But I do respect his mental illness/addict-ness.

Are we watching the same show? Because, Shoshanna. She is clearly the most self-aware! Jessa, is and always has been a royal twat. Marnie is selfish and Hannah is gross. But Jessa breaks the utter-shit mold! Remember her in rehab? She is an abusive, hateful narcissist with nary a redeeming quality.

I love it! But old flame is still married so there goes my bargaining chip. :(

Good catch on the host being created! So many hidden hints!

Oh yes! That look on her face! It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next season. How are they ever going to reopen that park with mass casualties?

I was thinking it was more of her returning on her own recognizance? Because she knew she was programmed to leave and was giving yet another finger to the Gods? Also, her comment to Felix about being human was so good. Love her!

Watched it twice! What a finale. This show kills it (no pun intended) all the way around. That haunting score! My two HFS OH NO YOU DI'NT MOMENTS: when Sizemore opened the storage and every host was gone and when that skeevy tech was about to rape Hector to some music that so reminded me of the creep's dance in

I just watched this. As someone who is in a bit of a similar situation, (my boyfriend of nine years won't commit) I feel as if tonight's episode was a cautionary tale. Actually, the whole season has mirrored my life in many ways. There has been a bat in my belfry in the form of a lost love who has resurfaced and

Ooh! Juicy!

So are they going to make Theresa a host to cover up the murder? It looked like something was up in the previews. I wonder if Bernard's reveries are going to kick in on their own and he will take Ford out? Also, to the people who called/theorized Bernard being a host- great job!