
Sizemore IS the worst but methinks he's going to meet his fate by a host- namely the Native American one. One can hope!

Awesome review! My money is on the Native American host getting some payback for the angry little t**t Sizemore. I loved it when his murder-tastic plot got shot down (no pun intended) by Dr. Ford. Also, is Ford secretly misty over the hosts? Like maybe he doesn't want them to be torture entertainment so much

Nashville is incredible! That guitar riff kinda makes me misty.

She was so campy on Trueblood, IMHO. I hadn't seen her in anything since then. She is incredible here!

After watching it twice (I was like, wha???) after the first one, I have decided that this show is nothing short of amazing. The acting is insane! Even, ERW kills it! But it does give me the willies a bit. And I'm a 'good wins over evil' gal but I don't know how any good is going to come out of this simulated

I totally agree! And while we're at it, he should have just shot the other guys once they put their guns down.

Anything is possible in a dream sequence !

I really, really hope Paul isn't dead. He was SUCH a badass when it came to violence and bad guy target practice. I'm hoping it's a Bobby Ewing thing? Because how on God's-Green Earth did Burris happen to be at THAT door at that time? Reaching! Perhaps it was a dream sequence and an AH HA?! I hate when you get

I have been listening to Sia's new album nonstop. It's an amazing album, just beyond, but a bit dark-ish at times so I checked out the 1989 blips on ITunes. Admittedly, there were a few songs I clicked on a couple of times -such sugary niceness. But then I remembered my life is in the shitter right now, so I went