new burner same old girl who waited

Adoption failures aren’t entirely uncommon, and in private cases, it’s hard to fault the parents. The problem here is that a very private decision was deliberately made public, for profit. How delusional do you have to be to wardrobe yourself in virginal white to tell millions of strangers that you’re giving up your

She also said the sheriff’s department performed welfare checks on Stauffer’s four biological children, Kova, Jaka, Radley and Onyx, and interviewed the couple on June 4. They found no signs of abuse.

This President, I will tell you, is the most informed person on planet Earth

I absolutely agree that it was right to rehome the child. I’ve seen friends struggle through the adoption of special needs children through an international process (Korea and China) and it was hard on both families - especially the one with older kids who then had an “oops” pregnancy months after their adoption was

Listen. Adoption is such a long, arduous, painful, confusing, emotional, EXPENSIVE process that the idea anyone would or could go through it as some kind of popularity stunt or money-making enterprise (omg) is absurd. I mean, I think vlogging the whole thing like this is in very bad taste, but reasonable minds can

Oh my GOODNESS yes, Terry Pratchett’s books are great for everyone but the Tiffany Aching ones are just perfect for people who might suddenly find a Harry Potter-shaped hole in their kids’ upbringing.

It’s one more “THEY” for Trump’s lumpen zombies to afraid of. Now here he can group the ANTIFAs with the THUGS who are rioting to destroy our beautiful fantastic ‘Murica. Trump, the spawn of hate and chaos, is is all his glory right now. Imagine all the millions in campaign contributions that are pouring in while the

Honestly, he didn’t look that angry. As in, this felt calculated in a way to further normalize the country into the idea that press conferences will be cancelled or ended abruptly if the president doesn’t like the line of questioning.

The dig on him here is that he isn’t Bernie, and that’s pretty much it.

Multiple family members have come at me saying I won’t “get a man” because of my conduct. They don’t specify what that is, though I can guess it’s because I don’t go around asking permission to exist.

You want people to go out there regardless of infection?

I’m listening, and what I’m hearing is “swiftboating”.

Because “listen to women” means “every woman should be unequivocally believed without qualification”?

In all honesty what are we supposed to do when one 20+ year old allegation that can’t be substantially verified is used to discredit the likely nominee of the D primary?

Show me the lie.

I've never had Chipotle and I don't see that changing.

OMG he was so wonderful and hot in Fringe.

That’s a little ..... unfeeling. I can assure you that I had no idea that the two men who were unfaithful to me in relationships were unfaithful until the evidence was right in my face. And it was distressing beyond that which I can express in words.

If anyone knows about coalition building, it’s Bernie supporters, right? You guys were so good at it. 

In the midst of a pandemic with a literal madman as incumbent is no time to throw a fit because your candidate didn’t win.  For the love of all decent people, please put your grudges with the democratic party aside and vote for Biden.