
NFTs are supposed to be unique but they really aren’t, you can just start a new ledger and mint another NFT from the same item that’s already been used to mint an NFT on another ledger.

I wonder why they didn’t use a save upload/download feature like Spiderman and Rogue Legacy? That seems like a more elegant solution and it’s been around since the Vita's prime.

They can’t take an L and at the same time they make themselves look incapable and meddling.

I'd be into it if arcades made a comeback. Where is this going to be? Chuck E Cheese?

With all the talk on CPAC I wish there would be a story about the neighboring Nick Fuentes klan rally keynote event, where elected official Paul Gosar went on a racist rant. Hopefully he is stripped of his duties like the GOP did to Steve King in 2019 for doing the exact same thing. Nothing but crickets tho. Guess the

Yeah but they did have to redraw or shrink the sprites, and adapt the enemy animations for the size and to float around in space. It was cool that they went through the trouble, and there’s a comedic effect too.

Seven Force in Gunstar Heroes, and then a miniature version in space!

If they can get locked out of a Google account so easily and lose all their purchases so can I, including Terraria and any other games. It might be easier to get your account back as a high profile developer. Google already throws a fit if I don’t log in from the right device or ISP.

Why didn't the police offer to help drive him home? Instead they arrest him for WWB.

There are PS5 Restock reddit groups for a lot if different countries. If you check in each day you'll get a date/time for a big chain restock. Then just log in to the site for easy checkout and refresh when the time comes. You should be able to get one. I've helped a few people with this and it worked out well.

So this is different from the ReMako Project?

Why should they have to connect the dots? One person should not be given more allowance over another, they should apply their policies evenly.

Isn’t it “lens flare” and not “lens flair”?

Now playing

I shoulda just posted the video, infinitely better in motion and with the audio right?

Seems like the kotakucore tag would apply to this story, have you considered adding it? Oddly there haven’t been any stories that have used it since January 14th.

Not sure what credit they deserve, they went in looking to cash in with a flaccid push. But why TF didn't they even muster up enough to uphold their name? They're just throwing more dirt on the brand. I don't know why they want to keep earning their reputation instead of changing it.

I’m surprised... that Alphabet is showing people they can’t be competitive and want to continue their legacy of abandoning projects.

I thought I’d never see anything that could get me to set foot in a cum dungeon.