
Only thing messed up on that sprite is his other shoe behind that looks like he’s keeping that foot on tiptoes.

Means it does both AR and VR. Honestly a VR-only headset is fine.

It’s McConnell who refused to confirm judges during Obama’s presidency and held all the open spots for the GOP, then they rushed through 200 unqualified biased hack jobs. Making sure anyone who already can’t afford to defend themselves will get a BS day in lower courts and get an unfair sentence, and have to appeal

With rerecorded dialog too? That’s dope, bravo.

Why didn't you ship two discs you cheap bastards

Even in World. Those purple pants!

Good to know I can crap out a buggy janky pile of shit and kids will spend a ton of money on it as long as it taps in to their love of creepypasta

On Final Fantasy, I wanted to show someone the beginning so I picked New Game thinking “I just won’t save my game”, but New Game automatically erases your save.

I’ve used it before, but there’s plenty to watch without it and I don’t miss it. I don't watch anything on those sites either. There are a few things I support with patreon that I like and I get no ads and more content than I know what to do with and I'm pretty happy.

Step 1: Try and provoke him to speak out against Trump.

They get paid for impressions, but I do click on ads for sites I like and click on a few things in the site to look like I’m doing something to whatever tracking stuff they have. There’s a good example you brought up, I don’t watch YouTube because of the ads, I avoid it and haven’t been there for years. If a video has

Yeah I don't care that much, and don't want to deprive sites I like of revenue. I can just leave if I don't like a site, it isn't a big deal.

It’s just an arms race. The more people use blockers the more they’ll try to circumvent the blockers, and the more the blockers will try to circumvent the circumvention.

Ah yeah that’s weird. I almost couldn’t find the content of your post because of all of the ads. Hopefully the tunnel doesn’t start shaking and all them shits are falling out around you leaving nasty ass holes.

The Xbox did seem like a weird choice given that they don’t even have Yakuza 6 available. If they were going to have Yakuza 7 reflect on the Xbox’s quality they should have worked with them on optimizing the game, like how Nvidia helps out game developers on PC to try and get good performance on their hardware.

Yeah it seems like usually early adopters want to get something high end and are not usually interested in rushing out to get something mediocre at its most expensive point. We'll see what happens.

The cheaper option is not getting a new console right away and waiting for a price drop on something that you won’t have to pay to replace in short order. Early adopters are the only ones who buy at launch and the market segment you describe are not early adopters.

Exactly, if they wanted game pass they would get a system right now for that without thinking about what version of the console to get, they would have gotten the Xbox One S and Game Pass. They’ve been around since 2017 so there’s been plenty of time for that audience to make their move. It would have probably

It’s a launch exclusive, I it seems weird if MS would make that deal if the game couldn’t be up to par, I wonder what happened.