That’s why it’s good for protestors to organize their groups into coalitions like M4BL and put forward a message that is agreed upon so that more people can rally behind it.
That’s why it’s good for protestors to organize their groups into coalitions like M4BL and put forward a message that is agreed upon so that more people can rally behind it.
“I wonder why (Rare’s) David Wise stuck to manual hexadecimal input up to the end of SNES?”
It's the best of all the 3D Mario games
I guess Super Mario 64 DS doesn’t count as its own game?
I wonder if the slashcode comment system would work. It’s kind of made for sites with multiple contributors and a karma-based self-moderation system for comments.
Glad to see there are more ways to police the police. Amazon was right, this does help with law enforcement. Can’t trust them to keep their own cameras on or to write a complete and honest report so it seems necessary to involve police surveillance.
This sounds alright. I enjoyed playing as Ms Marvel the most in the beta so I’m glad the campaign is focused on her.
This is the same idiot warning people of voters trying to put on disguises to go back in and vote again as a scam.
I thought this was annoying. My kid got into fortnite so I thought great I'll put our One to some use and hook it up on the other TV so he can play. Downloaded the game but couldn't go online with it. At least he can play on Switch Lite.
I wonder how they got it to work on the Nvidia Shield controller then?
Does this mean Nintendo’s games won’t hold up on their own anymore and they need to boost slumping sales?
It will only be worth it for me if they improve on their playability.
Releasing them this way just encourages ebay fleecing. This is irresponsible, it makes things more difficult for the consumer.
$500 seems cheap for endangering a life, they need to increase the minimum. At least there is room left for it to go up.
I kept waiting for them to fill out Finn’s past and build up his story arc, deal with the trauma of being brainwashed and help liberate others to lead them against the empire, and build his own family to defend out of love.
That would make things even more confusing for parents, they’ll think they got a great deal but they bought a last gen potato box. Some might not even get wise until 2 years in and MS stops putting their games on last gen.
Neither does Xbox Series S | X or PlayStation 5, they're just brands and models, but it seems weird to present them in different ways on the same thing
Xbox Series seems to be the analog to that
Why does it say Xbox Series X | S but not Xbox One | X | S ? Is this legit?
I keep forgetting people are not talking about the DS game.