
Protect it by encasing it in cement. Nobody should be able to damage it then.

It should work with both games. If you have Sword you should be able to switch to Shield from the main menu with DLC as well. No need for two actual different games these days 

This person needs to be fired. Being a police officer is a responsibility. You are held to a higher standard as a police officer and this person is showing judgment that should never have got them hired in the first place. Threatening the very people they are sworn to protect!

Actually the biggest thing you can do just day to day is call out racism when you see it and tell that person it’s not ok. If it’s from a peer then it has a greater impact. People are not going to check themselves and realize that they need to grow if there is no friction for them because people are not speaking up.

There are things you can do that take less than this amount of time.

Instead of defunding the police they need to allocate more of the funding to overseeing internal affairs reviews of police conduct and complaints and making sure that happens in an unbiased way.

It's funny how some people decry violent protest but will turn around and threaten our elected officials for these other reasons.

It would still have to be redesigned somehow, at least in size. That devkit is huge, it's bigger than a PS4 Pro!

I’m looking forward to it. I’m excited to see the games Sony promised they would have focused on with their earlier presentation, and like everyone else will be interested in seeing the design and cooling solution. I hope they nail it.

Vote every chance you get and make sure you stay registered to vote. In some places even if you miss two county elections you’re considered inactive and get automatically unregistered.

Weird because the press sometimes get experts on topics to cover those topics. Or people in their own town to cover news in that town. I guess they’re too biased. We’ll have to fly people from another state to report local news. People who have doctorates in other subjects to cover different topics. It’s their career

Btw there are some things you can do here even from your computer or phone

Thank you for sharing your story. Believe it or not that helps immensely. Keep talking out and talking to others too.

Maybe they don’t feel like they can talk about the subject on their podcast because they can’t offer perspective and insight on the subject, and that’s OK.

Apparently the value of keeping these people isn't even worth it to the bottom line of a company.

Keep it going. Don’t let the momentum die out. Now is the time to come forward to say something even if you don’t have much to say except that you want to show solidarity. That matters. That adds to the volume. The threat of extra judicial execution is one many fear. Nobody should have to go through that. We have

This shows international companies and users worldwide are paying attention to us and that more people support us than Rockstar and others would see no longer pay them any money.

We have to keep the momentum going. People will forget when it’s been a few weeks or something else comes along, but people responsible for and supporting injustices won’t go away. There are people who aren’t as affected and can more easily stop thinking about these things but we need them to remember many people are

It feels nice but it could be less wide and still retain that. I’d like something I could put in my pocket though. I can with this but it’s a bit ridiculous

Aw for real? Damn. Well hopefully they can be hacked.