
Everyone gets sick of BS at a certain point. A lot of people that do it don’t know what it’s like to have had enough and just think it’s funny or that others should grow a thicker skin. I can understand wanting to be among friends and do something that makes you feel positive without buzzkills around. It sucks that it

Umihara Kawase BaZooKa! looks like a good time, and there’s a new Missile Command? Nice

My kid is getting into it because of Pacman 256. That game is addictive, couch multiplayer on PS4 is great!

That PS2/Wii game is pretty good too!

I wasn’t into it. It plays like a generic Amiga platformer with not much flow to the level design, poor enemy placement and annoying respawning.

It’s a great game and I love the movie. Nothing free on Nintendo of course...

Aged? Can we get Gandalf looking dudes on boards and cool grandma?

I want to play this but the battle system doesn’t look like something I will enjoy. It looks puzzly and timed as others have pointed out. I enjoyed Super Mario RPG but they haven't found the same magic since the early days.

It’s roughly twice as much horsepower as the One X which is trying to manage 4k at 30fps on today’s games. I feel like the PS4 has the right approach in trying to expand the assets games can easily load and access to impact not just graphics in the immediate scene but to enhance the whole game.

As long as they don't copy Microsoft in renaming and rebranding and redesigning constantly.

This exists?! Holy shit an ngage game I'm interested in

Streets of Rage 4 and Monster Boy, it's a Sega weekend

They also offloaded a lot of intensive work onto dedicated hardware that every game will have to perform anyway, such as memory management and resource allocation. The Xbox will be wasting CPU and GPU time doing that.

Well no. I’m not going to change the way I talk to conform with a machine’s expectations in order to proactively keep my name clean. Sounds too Orwellian.

Nice. I dug grand prix.

Yeah for existing and accessible products they were great, as a kid who can’t afford fancy tech it’s hard to complain and you could do a lot with it.

Get Rec Room! I still use the headset a lot just to interact with others in VR. Hopefully the Dreams VR patch is on track too.

I wonder about the percentage of Steam users that meet the recommended specs?

Cassettes were great. Trading music with friends and ripping that single from the radio easy.

Black Mesa, Monster Boy, and Streets of Rage 4