Wow 10 years? I'm glad there is an Xbox One X treatment but I would like an official HD rerelease of the XIII trilogy.
Wow 10 years? I'm glad there is an Xbox One X treatment but I would like an official HD rerelease of the XIII trilogy.
Probably because the last part is basically an extended QTE, it’s a big brick wall of timed button presses. I'm going to wait for reviews of this one to make sure there is none of that, stuff like that killed the fun for me.
Nioh 2 will be here just in time for the weekend!
Remember people who kept saying “why do we need new consoles” last gen,just look at these! Now they’re saying that again but I bet we’ll still end up with new pics of next generation games that blow these away.
It’s a shame they are missing Dragon’s Curse, I preferred it to the SMS version, and no Bloody Wolf or Splatterhouse either :( I actually liked Keith Courage so I’m disappointed that’s missing too. They have a lot of good games though.
Haha! Yeah it was very convincing, and holds up even as you move your head around to look around objects at all angles and around corners. The lighting, shading, and texture detail are great!
Yeah, I wish PC had that
Oh RE7 is so good in VR though! Everything is so detailed and looks very convincing, and the action is well suited.
Yes, I’d love to play the DS ones on a TV and the GBA ones without having to bring out my Gameboy Player
It's on PS4 bundled with Rondo
It supports gamepads right? Worth it at that price.
Shows how desperate people are for an alternative to YouTube, I guess dailymotion and vimeo suck?
Works now for me too, hooray
What happened to tags on this site? When you click on any tag in the “Filed to:” header on a story you get a 404 error, for example:
Imagine if this shit happened when you created your lead character in Mass Effect or Fallout or Elder Scrolls? This is dumb.
Dreams, Rec Room, and getting deep into Death Stranding
It’s tied with Sonic CD for me, they were both epic.
Nice memorial, thanks. RIP Kazuhisa Hashimoto. Thanks for giving me a chance to practice in those games.
lol!! I guess they thought about all that
Yeah but that stubble will pull at the woven fibers on the inside of the suit, and chafe like mad, he is going to get serious ingrown hairs doing that all the time