
I have decided you are a shit stirrer. It was that or misogynistic ass hat . You're welcome.

I hear that Brady guy might have a future.

Later that week, NFL security asked the guy that run the bait shop if he knew anything. He didn't. With that, the NFL exhausted all their leads and called it a day.

I went to the wiki page to check it out. Then sucked all the oxygen in the room to expel it as a loud....OMIGOD.

they could ask... "hey, you make out a lot, share a place, and wear cool rings...ya hitched?" Or they could figure that being married is not about name changes and rings, but about commitment and love.

Labradoodles are not a protected class. It wasn't Adam and his labradoodle in the garden of Eden, dang it! The existence of labradoodles negates the relationship I have with my normal dogs...if I had dogs.

that's because Labradoodles are what is wrong with this country. When I was growing up we had labs, we had poodles. None of this mixing stuff. Hell in a hand basket.

I use my last name, not my husband's, and he is sleeping right beside me. My last name happens to be far more awesome than his.


A really good use of pumpkin beer is making beer-bread. I can't stand to drink the stuff, but bake it and slather it with butter? IT IS ON.

I would think be married to a member of NOM would make you pro-divorce—ah the irony.

Trolls and shit-stirrers (same thing really) are so predictable and pathetic. You trolls should be ashamed.

TCS Project Princess Fashion Show Saturday, April 19th at 7pm. Come enjoy a fun-filled night as our TCS girls model Spring Formal dresses. Tickets are $5 and $10.

As a JMU grad, I've never been so proud to call someone a "fellow alum."