My boyfriend asked me "Who is Rick Fox?" while we were watching Match Game. I didn't even know how to respond. It is not really grounds for break up but…
My boyfriend asked me "Who is Rick Fox?" while we were watching Match Game. I didn't even know how to respond. It is not really grounds for break up but…
Hugh Jackman is wolverine, how dare he!
That's fine that you weren't feeling it as the "target audience". Maybe this is the experience of one late 20 something black woman and therefore not representative of every black 20 something woman. Every piece of art by a PoC does not have to resonate with every PoC. And just because you didn't like it does not mean…
I watch Survivor's Remorse (only seen seasons 1 & 2). Thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of interesting characters and I think it shows a side of people that made it out of crappy neighborhoods and how they navigate the ease that fame brings to their life and the guilt they feel about making it out when others didn't.
I must be one of the few people that is ok with Danny leaving the show. Danny's character was always someone that was comfortable with the way things are and only willing to leave his comfort zone so that he can keep something he realizes he actually liked. Most of the grand gestures he ever showed Mindy were to keep…
I personally was interested in replication studies and generating data for a database on thermodynamic properties of small molecules in grad school but nobody funds that (I got my PhD in Computational Chemistry). The most important question asked now is "What new thing are you adding?" If you can't justify how…