I would 1000% rather see a movie about a Japanese librarian and latin@ tax professional than almost any action flick. I fail to understand your issue.
I would 1000% rather see a movie about a Japanese librarian and latin@ tax professional than almost any action flick. I fail to understand your issue.
On the one hand, I think you have a good point. They are a tiny percent of the population and if you are talking about them having appropriate representation it would be a very small percent of the roles.
I trust Eddie Redmayne more than Jared Leto, that’s for sure.
I’m sorry, did your vagina not immediately hermetically seal itself when he said Trump would be a good president?
Nicholas Holt is the unmitigated best.
please do so! It’s the new Mad Max movie. It looks like your typical action movie, but the direction is so beautiful. The world building is amazing and the characters are so well written. It is what every action movie should strive to be.
Nicholas Holt is the unmitigated best.
Her father is a TV stage manager, not the head of development at 20th Century Fox.
“Together they will build a romance expressed entirely in stares.” I feel like we’ve seen this somewhere before...
His performance was shiny and chrome.
Kristen Stewart has to act emotionless. She’ll never pull that off.
If you haven’t seen Fury Road yet you need to do so NOW! best movie of the year in my opinion and Nicholas Holt steals the show. I live, I die, I live again
This is the exact argument I’m in now on Facebook. This dude defines “living wage” as having roommates, no children or dependents, no health insurance, no cell phone, and no car.* Because the “bottom rung” should only give people a certain level of subsistence. Basically, the poors are stupid and didn’t pull…
I feel like I could file most of my life under the tag for this article.
Thank you for this, it’s awesome.
I think we call those “tank tops” now.
You can say that again. <adjusts wife-beater>
Ugh- these days it darn near impossible to be a sexist asshole. Being a white dude is such a heavy burden to carry.