
Ooh, I still need to see that one! I’ve heard great things.

That movie was so bad! It makes me sad because he could have been great in a not-terrible romantic comedy.

Oh, I just watch far too many movies. But they really are all excellent. Especially Mad Max. I cannot stress enough how good it is.

Mad Max: Fury Road is back in IMAX theaters this week, and it really should be seen on the big screen. It’s phenomenal and feminist and perfect. Also excellent with Tom Hardy: Locke, Peaky Blinders (he’s only in season 2 but it’s all worth watching), Inception, Wuthering Heights (he’s the only Heathcliff I’ve ever

That makes sense to some extent, but I think you’re reading too much into her changing her plans. I think her decision to go out with him (whether she legitimately had plans or was just using a line to get him to leave her alone) actually showed that the cycle was exactly the same, not that the cycle broke and things

I think you can have a movie where the main character doesn’t ever “get the point.” It’s a lot like Inside Llewyn Davis. The asshole main character doesn’t learn anything and the self-destructive cycle starts all over again. That doesn’t mean that the movie agrees with the main character.

But those guys are missing the point. The entire point of the movie is to not do that. You’re not supposed to side with JGL’s character. The movie was supposed to be the takedown of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope, people just missed the point.

Good God. Never have I been happier to be too broke to buy clothes. These are horrendous.

Now playing

This reminds me of what is likely a far better movie, No. It’s about the plebiscite campaign in Chile in 1988, deciding whether Pinochet’s regime would continue or whether there would be a democratic election. Gael Garcia Bernal (always wonderful) is in charge of the campaign for the election, and has to convince them

I think this makes total sense. And what makes it worse is what kinds of stories we tell about transpeople: most of them have been movies around the transition process itself. This seems like the reason why directors like Hooper, who at least claim to be willing to cast trans actors, decide to cast cis actors in the

“But you know how it goes: boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, and emotions wreak havoc on an unsuspecting population.” Didn’t Nicholas Hoult already make this movie? Warm Bodies?

Have you seen Bandits, with Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton? It shows her funny, goofy side pretty well, and I think she may be able to pull it off.

I had at least 2! A Hagrid one and a Jack Sparrow one. I was (am) a weirdo.

Yes to all of this. I’m just in the process of leaving my conservative religious community, where all of my family are devout members, and this comment is so perfectly spot on it hurts.

Me too! That’s the only movie I have ever walked out of in my life. Truly terrible. I snuck into The Two Towers instead, though, so it worked out all right in the end.

Apparently it’s going to Doctors Without Borders.