Giovanni McFarlane Fitzpatrick

“She specifically wants him to fuck her while he’s playing a mentally deficient character. I’m sorry, but that’s fucked up to all hell. That isn’t goddamn cosplay — he’s got a whole repertoire of characters, both real and fictional, in which she could choose — but the one she wants is the one that, due to his mental

The fact that this site can’t see what’s wrong with this is sad.

It’s not at all. The amount of sanctioned casual racism, ageism and sexism that occurs on this website is noteworthy. Just go and look at Whitney Kimball’s article on Morgan Freeman and read down a few lines and read her description of him. It’s as offencive as any Stepin Fetchit or Mammy depiction. I couldn’t believe

I’m not a Kobe stan, in fact I only stopped hating him when I realized that the collective hate appeared to make him stronger. Still, I agree that Kobe is above LeBron in the hierarchy of NBA greats. It’s not because of finals win/loss ratio, though that’s something to think about. Or because of any analysis of

I had forgotten it was the mind stone not soul stone. Minore lapse of memory.

While the man she’s having an affair with LITERALLY presents her with her own shackle!

Way to go, Ayn!

For her to have expressed that she didn’t like the hairstyle and why she didn’t (which is what she does).

I get what you’re saying. Honestly, I’m a woman and had the same thought you did, like “orrrrrrrrr she loves her dad and doesn’t want to hurt his feelings?”

In my defense, it was aimed at people who possessed a modicum of reading comprehension, so you weren’t really the target audience.

I’m on your side on this one. The idea that we should be worrying about a girl who has been taught to be empathetic is absurd. And if she was really being beaten down by the Patriarchy, she wouldn’t have complained in the first place !!
This is classic blog writing - searching for something to complain about, instead

Glad someone said it..

Though, tbh had you not posted your comment I would have read it, went “I think that’s a poor example” and moved on without replying because I wouldn’t want to sidetrack the conversation from its key point... it happens quite often. Your original response was like the second thing I saw. And I imagine as the day

This is digging through twenty pounds of shit to find a nickel.

Yeah, I don’t think that the context of the examples really fit the core of essay itself. Barring toxicity in the relationship, being generally respectful of parents and all is a thing that should be taught and encouraged, imo. A father doing his/her daughter’s hair is still something of an outlier too... but the

For the first girl - what should she have done? “Let ‘em down easy” is going to be important when she has people working underneath her and they screw up. If she learns that skill now it will benefit her for life. The true sin would have been for her to suffer in silence.

A polemic against politeness? Sure, i guess.

So, the laugh you need a Goldilocks black girl, then? ‘Cause if the first one is too docile and the second one you worry about being seen as too aggressive...well, that’s an awfully small box to fit in. Talk about the shrunken place. Throwing the second girl in really throughs the original critique off.

The problem is the first hour is spent waiting at the gate like normal, then next hour is spent boarding and watching your fellow passengers try to stow oversize carry-ons. Then there’s an hour sitting on the taxi-way, maybe two before you’re returned to the gate, then the next five are spent waiting by the gate for

What I find interesting is that this is the only area where he seems to prioritize “collective good” over “individual freedom”. In every other context, he says that if you need something (healthcare, a job, etc.) it’s on you to get it and it’s not society’s responsibility to guarantee that you have it. But when it

Strongly disagree. Although you are correct that deep down many white people are afraid of competing - Trump is an obvious expression of that - I would argue that this fear is misguided. Your argument is that same one the right uses to keep out immigrants, and push tariffs on imported goods.