Giovanni McFarlane Fitzpatrick

As someone who spent a lot of time reading up on the subject, I think it’s generally considered to have been the best of several unfortunately bad options. The Japanese were only willing to surrender conditionally which is simply not going to happen when you happen to have been the aggressors that made the first

I have coworkers who lived off howard during the j-free era and they say rare were the nights when the didn't see either freeman or then head coach Raheem Morris out on the town

I took AP English, Euro History, US History, German, Physics, and Calculus (and Art History but I knew I'd fail that test so didn't take it). I bombed English because our teacher skipped class constantly and never taught us anything. Physics was the hardest and calculus the easiest IMO.

What's the point of offending anyone? Everyone has something that offends them, and excluding that something from the public intellectual space for the sake of not offending them is a ridiculous idea. It gives that group of people's opinion of what shouldn't be said or expressed a higher standing than that of others.

Then you might be interested to know that Madonna was in New York a lot in the 80's working with groups like AMFAR and others. The pioneers of Vogue were dropping like flies from that dreadful disease. A large portion of them are dead today. Madonna was one of the people who never turned her back on them. Never. And

The story actually gets weirder. During the time that these business deals were going down, both Constantine and A-Rod were seeking advice from the same Kabbalah mystic (who, reportedly, they had been introduced to through Madonna - but that's just a rumor).

Killing people in GTA is even worse than in this game. Out of all of the dozens and dozens of things you could have done in GTA to occupy your time you voluntarily chose to kill innocent people. The game didn't tell you to, you did it all on your own.

Yea possibly. I just think it's dumb to force an 18 year old to go to college for 2 years when he has no intention of getting a college degree. Use that money for someone that actually does want an education. Someone on Deadspin mentioned being in the same English class as Ray Rice. He busted his ass all semester and

Did she really just call her 9 year old nephew "retarded?!"

At the same time, you really can't ignore the influence that religion has. For instance, you talk about education and poverty as being a big factor. What about Iran? They have a very educated population, and until we overthrew it, an effective secular, socialist government. It was replaced by a theocracy, and in

Didn't Bill Maher make a whole documentary about how ALL religions suck (Religulous)? Though I guess he's more focused on Islamophobia nowadays.

Berkeley is surely very welcoming of someone actually responsible for the physical torture of Muslims, ie John Yoo.

And that's a comment we can agree on. Good discussion.

At my school they don't care about your sexual orientation. They'll attack you for being black. The white middle class area I live in is horrible. I've been called a nigger right in my face, multiple times. I've had my binder grabbed and thrown across the hallway. That's why I started carrying a backpack. The backpack

"We had two bags of gysahl greens, seventy-five pieces of phoenix down, five hi-powered elixirs, a saltshaker half-full of smelling salts, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored hypers, tranquilizers, eye drops, echo screens... Also, a quart of remedy, a quart of holy water, a case of potions, a pint of raw ether, and

@jms013 because I think Peterson knows he isn't going to receive the same vitriol as Ray Rice did. I think people will be very split about what is acceptable discipline with children. I saw the pics and anyone who was spanked or beaten with a switch growing up will probably agree those injuries were rather tame. I

I understand the sentiment, but it's not really overspending if you account for the revenue offset that basically funds every other sport; if you cut spending for a top tier coach or facilities, you're putting that revenue in jeopardy, and then no one wins.

1) You seem nice enough, like I said I have no problem with trans people, or moral qualms about the idea of being trans, it's just that the transexuals I've met have been really obnoxious people, and I find the whole "die cis scum" mentality extremely disturbing.

2) I've known my brother for 20 years, he was an

didn't Harry also have widely published nude photos of him in vegas?