Giovanni McFarlane Fitzpatrick

The issue I find is that Sony is running up against technological headwinds that Microsoft is embracing, and in the long-term, the idea of having a separate home console rather than some sort of HTPC-like device that simply interfaces with your other home devices, allowing for remote play to internet-connected


You know it’s a weird situation when people are complaining about a corporate juggernaut giving away a better product for free, solely because it’s being done by a corporate juggernaut. This is why I told someone else, specifically about this issue, that as a consumer, I care about the outcome, not the intent.

You don’t see the difference between hiring people to develop first-party games, maintaining brand goodwill, and taking risks on new IPs versus not doing any of that and acquiring a large-ass company to make their previously existing games exclusive? Then think of it as the difference between getting gud and paying

Mergers and Acquisitions are bad, because of fewer choices for the consumer are built-in, jobs will be cut, and a company like Sony could end up buying up Square Enix to stay competitive with Microsoft.

If the end result is the same — a first-party exclusive being homegrown or purchased — I fail to see what the issue you, or anybody else, would have with this acquisition going through.

Do you carry the same energy for all of the exclusives held by Sony and Nintendo that have never seen the light of day on either PC or an Xbox console? If you don’t, then you’re being rather hypocritical, as even though CoD is a big seller, both Sony and Nintendo have exclusives that have sold in the tens of millions

To the latter part, there’s plenty of PC gamers who have a solid desktop, but don’t have a powerful laptop. GeForce Now and Xbox Cloud obviates that need.

Conversely, there’s plenty of Xbox owners who’d prefer to use keyboard and mouse, but don’t have a powerful enough computer, or simply want the freedom to play

It was the only play they had.

If they focused on the broader centralization of IPs and console exclusives, Microsoft could and would easily hit back and show that Sony’s exclusives have been conclusively outselling Microsoft’s, dating all the way back to the PS2/Xbox era.

There’s also the reality that Microsoft would

Sony will be fine.

Besides, if Sony, as either a console developer or any entire company, were so solely dependent on a single series of games (Call of Duty) to keep the lights on, then their business model is shit and they either adapt or die.

Saying that you will leave or do something undesirable if someone else doesn’t change their behaviour isn’t a boundary, its an ultimatum, and ultimatums within relationships are almost always a form of manipulation.

To be fair, saying that something is overvalued by 100% means that it’s overvalued by double of what it should be valued, not that the underlying thing should be valued at 0.

If the value of something is 0, then saying it’s overvalued by 100% would still result in the value being 0, which is why the statement doesn’t

A few things.

1. The way they look, and the diversity of appearances, is absolutely fascinating.

2. How they’re able to be as mobile as they are is biomechanically astounding (a famous quote I heard is that if intelligent aliens were to visit Earth, and the first living thing they saw was a snake, they’d be convinced

No worries. Kill Bill is my favorite movie, and I love snakes, so the info is always at the ready.

I’m someone who likes to party (nightclubs, bars, big events like Gasparilla), but my friends know that I have little patience for the combination of large crowds and the general rudeness that comes with a large group of people in a confined area who feel as though they owe nothing to anybody since they paid for a

Vernita Green/Vivica A. Fox was Copperhead, Beatrix Kiddo/Uma Thurman was Black Mamba.

I was caught in the 1st Southwest Airlines Crisis in Oct. 2021.

My flight from Tampa to Atlanta was scheduled to leave that Saturday morning around 10:30-11am, and arrive in Atlanta a little after 1pm. Excited, as I love flying and I’m meeting up with friends for Atlanta Pride, I can’t get any sleep the night before,

The interesting thing about MMOs (and this is something that Josh Strife Hayes, an MMO commentator, has spoken about) is that the social aspect of MMOs have taken a backseat to the gameplay and story aspects.

He points to a rather interesting reason for this: the relative ease of getting into, and staying in, contact

I don’t think that’s as true now as it might have been back in the early-mid 2000s.

Gaming has permeated so many different devices, and there are so many ostensibly free-to-play games, that the individual cost of say a AAA title, I feel, is less of an impediment for a kid than it is for an adult.

To wit, some of the

However at my job an acquaintance has a kid who is brilliant. 36 ACT, top of the class, chess champion, and they’re Asian decent. He was worried that his kid wouldn’t get into Harvard because so many Asian kids have the exact same scores and they limit based on race. Kid ended up getting in but the fear is not

There have been two times in my life (I’m 32, and have been gaming since I was around 6) that I bought a system to play one specific game.

Like you, I got a PS3 to play MGS4 (I already had a 360 and a gaming computer when I made the purchase). I also purchased a Nintendo 3ds to play Pokemon X and Y.

Other than that,