
aww I miss teaching high school kiddos this was so great :')

gun nut and neat freak dude???

just got one of these today

they're cute I'm giggling

James Moehle's mother sounds like a terrible person

eff i love that washed out song wanna feel like dat

my car is covered in pollen in Houston

they're not evil that is very dramatic if brides want to diet before their wedding let them I get the appeal I would want to look hella svelte in those photos I'm a gym rat and healthy eater anyway but you bet if the time came I would want to drop 10 lbs

sad! but as a casual blind item reader can't say I'm surprised

so much illuminati D:

eh I don't know I don't disagree with anything there (I'm 28 and very single, for the record)it may not be popular but it's not bad advice

wrong, guys do EXACTLY that when their fat friends get ripped

you're probably right he's 15 years older and a single dad

cool, I won't

ugh struggling with this right now 2 months after my breakup of 3.5 years

I use femilia as I have for the last 5 years

I want to hear more about Tulsa

I don't make my bed because of dust mites

agreed with the fit part. When I was thin but didn't lift weights I was cold all the time. Since I've lifted weights/become more athletic /gained 10lbs of muscle I am hardly ever cold when my chubby inactive roommate cranks the heat up to 72

I absolutely loathe Jezebel's attitude toward healthy eating and exercise