
Only B -? This was atleast an A- for me, I love that this show is bold and original and does not care who it offends with its controversial subject matter. Its fiction, not meant to be taken as anything else. Its been one of the best shows on TV. Hoping for season 3!!!

Can we kill Ward already? After 3 seasons he has served his purpose. Not a fan.

Liv Tyler was amazing. Really terrifying, better get a nomination.

I agree! I guess what I meant is that in Alison's case at least we can still sympathize and root for her. There is always the hope she will get it together, like last week when she seeked help at her mother's.
With Noah, I have no sympathy. He is a selfish jerk that only cares for himself. Next week, it looks as

It's been a great season so far. They are doing a great job in integrating these characters into the plot.

I agree altough I would include Alison as well. Cole, Helen and Alison I can sympathize and even root for, they all have their demons and baggage. Noah is just a selfish, self entitled douche who only cares about himself.

Maybe I watched a different episode because I absolutely loved it. Better than the last episode. And I loved the demon and summoning.

Loving this season! Dark, quirky, funny. Great mix!

This show really does a great job in building up its villains. Does a much better job then Flash. Still hope we do not have a powerless Flash on our hands.

Much better then a C+ in my opinion. At least a solid B. Solid reveals and plenty of action. Just need to get rid of Ward and his pointless story. Loving May and Daisy this season. Constance Zimmer needs to stay on. Love her!

Knocks it out of the park.

This season throws everything at us, even the kitchen sink. DaMN! This show is amazing!

Another great episode!

Anything with Constantine in it, makes for better TV.

Glad to hear you are covering this show. It's really underrated and one of the best currently on.

Anything with Christina Applegate is better.

One of the better episodes this season. All in all this season is going in the right direction. What I love about this show is that it's straight from the comics, It does not hide behind some facade, it's not trying to be the dark knight. This is Flash for comic geeks like myself.

Such an easy going, fun, well made show. Definitely fills my void for Veronica Mars.

Great season so far!

Still enjoy it even though it's really dropped in quality.