
Vikings is a great show esp from season 2 on.

Same here. Great post!!!!

The music is among the best on any show!!!

This show is campy, fun and entertaining!!! Has everything that American Horror desperately tries to be but with much more ease.

Ok. I am sorry! Maybe I got a bit too riled up. And I definitely did not use that word in that context.

Retarded post. I am a guy and I love Outlander. You sound like the typical guy who struggles with their sexuality. This show is about so much more then romance but even if it's about romance who cares. People who like to place labels and stereotypes on everything are just insecure.

Much better. The show goes in a complete different direction and they reveal something about the main character, I never would have expected. Season 1 got better towards the end but I found it slow and tedious at times. Season 2 was fast paced, well written and amazing from start to finish. Silver really comes

Right on! This reviewer in particular always concentrates on the same.

Season 2 of Black Sails is fantastic! Season 1 is slow but is needed as it sets the groundwork for what is to come. Season 2 was a whole different ball game.

This review was both harsh and lazy. After several months off, I would have hoped for a more thorough and detailed review. Kayla has never read the books and it shows, as half the time it feels like she has no idea what she is talking about.

This! Love Courtney Cox, I have always felt she was underrated on Friends!!!
She has had a great career and she deserves it.

Thank god someone else sees that!!! I am sorry but I just do not get the Patrick belongs with Richie bandwagon. Richie is too sweet for Patrick, I don't see any sexual chemistry between the two actors. That relationship is the stereotypical TV show Disney BS. Relationships are not meant to be perfect, or easy! We

I actually really missed this show, glad to have Constantine back, great episode!!!

One of the best shows in the past couple of years! Just epic in ever sense of the word. I will miss Korra and the rest of its characters so so much!!!

I really feel like this show is finding itself and becoming something it was suppose to be from the very beginning, hopefully it gets a season 2 even if it is unlikely.

Outlander and House of Cards, left it out of every list, yet the Carrie Diaries is an honorable mention. LOL


I really hope so but they missed various other shows so….

It could always be worst. I am surprised they did not include something like the Vampire Diaries again…. Maybe next year the AV Club can include the Kardashians and than loose any remaining credibility.

Really Jane the Virgin in the top 20 but Outlander, Legend of Korra, Vikings, House of Cards, Masters of Sex, etc. not even mentioned LOL….this list is garbage….