
So after nearly 3 seasons, who are your favorite characters from this show? Who are the top 5 characters, what does everybody think?

I enjoyed the whole ride of what this episode was.

one of my faves for sure.

I dont think she has fully figured it out. I think next week might surprise us.

I agree.

Next week has some shoes to fill. But from what I have heard from the cast and crew, its going to be amazing! They need some music! Like Seven Devils in season 1. That would make it even more amazing.

I liked the cheesy accent, it made it more over the top and fun.

I dont think she has fully figured it out. She is on to Emily but she does not know for sure.


I think I had the same look watching this at home. LOL

I doubt David is alive, I don't think they would go in that direction.

A for sure!!! but I thought Carrie's review was really good.

He is like no other character on TV. Conrad, Victoria, Emily and Nolan are the best characters on this show by far!

I thought season 2 had some really good episodes. The finale was amazing, Amanda being pushed by Victoria, the boat scene, Emily and Amanda's last scene, the masquerade, as well as the reveal to Mason.

Start watching! Season 2 has some downs but it had some ups as well. There were some amazing moments and stand out episodes especially towards the very beginning and the end. These past couple of episodes however are season 1 level without question.

I was on the edge of my sit the who way through. I was scared for Charlotte when she confronted daddy Conrad.



Every word was perfection and the acting was amazing in that scene.

I agree! and Game of Thrones is perhaps my favorite show.