
Call 911 LOL


He was a terrible human being, was Emily suppose to cry and hold a funeral?

The next episode promo looks so fun!

Poor Margaux looked clueless. Your father is responsible for killing my father and you for telling him, come here and let me give you a hug.

Poor Zoe never stood a chance, Frank might as well just told her to jump. And Pascal was not much brighter, hey let me get close to the propeller while we argue. LOL

one of the many WTF Conrad moments.

That is what I am thinking as well based on what Emily said.

She always did have great taste in men!

Hey its never to late but maybe she will get hit by a bus instead. LOL

Emily should castrate him and than say, "This is my gift to the universe".

Daniel is disgusting its like Conrad without the evil charm, he is just a douche.

We will see much more of her in the next Captain America films as she is being set up as the main girl.

ignore the troll, he is probably one of those Scandal fanatics.

I felt bad for Victoria and Madeline this great with that scene but how many times has this woman been in love.

Mad Men is not good anymore.

What makes Revenge great is these moments! The show is at its best when its not taking itself seriously and when its over the top, fast and the dialogue clicks. Great show!

the last two episodes have been 100x better

Oh shut up

Yeah Nolan would be the best dressed anywhere, he looked good even in jail.