
“This just in! Known fiend and criminal vigilante Spider-man is now resorting to actively peeping through your homes and apartments. Whether to rob or to indulge in his own sick perversions this is just further proof that the Spiderman is a menace and needs to be arrested” -JJ Jameson.

Here’s hoping they’re changing the level-up system. In The Last Remnant, there is a battle rank which increases the more you fight, and enemies become stronger according to your battle rank. That means that yes, powerleveling/grinding is actually bad for you in this game.

This just in.

And that’s all the Final Fantasy XV the Switch is getting. Poor lil Switch. Still love it. 

And top down view too. I miss that style of GTA.

Don’t forget Lindsay Lohan:

The recent slate of PS4 exclusives has been shockingly good. I’m curious as to whether that’s the new norm or we’re just witnessing a momentary golden age for that stuff. 

Feel a bit bad for XBONE owners out there. Time was most superhero games were multiplatform. Got a few friends that are bummed out that this is a PS4 exclusive, and I can understand why.

Even his relationship with Cortana is asexual. She’s his partner and has been with him for countless combat missions and over time he comes to see her as being just as valuable as any of his team. If there’s a chance to bring her back, then he’s going to do so because to Chief, she deserves that and I wager he misses

Closest thing gaming has to an Asexual character, everyone tries to force studio to make him sexually active.

Everyone knows Spartans can only achieve sexual arousal and climax by teabagging the fallen bodies of the opposite team.

For me, it’s not even about the puddle. Just look at Spider-man himself. He’s obviously downgraded to some degree. I think this whole puddle thing is a joke. I’m still playing it day 1 though.

These are the same people who will bitch when a game is released and their console only gets 30 FPS while playing.  They either need to drop 4K on a beefy rig to handle the graphics they want or shut the fuck up.  Either way, the rest of us can ignore their pathetic cries for attention.  

Queue all the “skeptic community” YouTubers with their conspiracy theories about how feminists and SJWs forced Insomniac to censor their game because the reflective puddles might let you see up a woman’s skirt or something.

As a filmmaker, this is exactly why my business partner does most of the P.R. talk, because I would just tell these morons that think there’s a downgrade to go fuck themselves and that the world would have been better if their mothers had had abortions. She knows how to be diplomatic, I look at these lifeless incel

People got burned by Watch Dogs so now they go out of their way to find minute differences they can rage about online.

Have a straight pairing that you like better? Go make the stuff for it. Don’t bellyache because some fans are filling in the blanks of something that has a LOT of blanks with the ideas they find fun.

Well, the ones who religiously use social media and create fanart did. 

of course the fans make her lesbian...

Eh, I prefer minimalism when it comes to controller designs. Putting pictures on a controller usually looks really gaudy. This is perfect for me. The Smash logo and white grips make it look really classy to me.