is RDRO better now? is it like gtao yet?
is RDRO better now? is it like gtao yet?
Time to downgrade our gfx back to Atari days to stop global warming. 🤣
All I’m getting is you’re not happy that borderlands 3 is borderlands ? I think it’s great that didn’t try to add things that would change it to much.
Is there a version of beta we can play online? I remember when I used to log in all you would see if 1 block towers and random people just doing stuff
Seeing them in actions really makes we wish they would remake the first game or give us a new one.
Please finish The wolf among us
Looks like forza’s spin thing
is this going to look as good as the PS4 version? Hate to be the guy that ask
I want a classic server not bs modified ones
Meh no skip or ff button isn’t going to stop me playing these.
Now she’s gonna get banned because of this.
Are switch devs allowed to make docked only mode games? Like they optimise it so much that it wouldn’t run on handheld.
I imagine all sorts of weird people turning in to watch breast feeding now.
Ganandorf ftfy
I love it!
Yup I’m 30 and it gives me anxiety when I hear these stories.
This won’t end well
Damn that sucks.
My only issue with the game is items like the 1up mushroom seems pointless.
Damn man, ive never had toxic people in my dungeons. I’ve always praised how the people on my server are caring and nice.