Damn it DaSilva, expect some sad donuts on your lawn. I mean, I have a wheezy little Mazda instead of a bitchin’ Camaro, but I assume if I go in reverse and dump the clutch I could get at least a couple in.
Damn it DaSilva, expect some sad donuts on your lawn. I mean, I have a wheezy little Mazda instead of a bitchin’ Camaro, but I assume if I go in reverse and dump the clutch I could get at least a couple in.
“It’s like a flock of dollar-eyed sheep being led by a handful of intelligent sociopathic shepherds.”
I don’t even grok how someone could not see that crypto has zero real base guaranteeing its value. Crypto currencies are only kept afloat through the juxtaposition of faith and criminality.
My 2¢ about “cryptocurrency” and all the apps and exchanges that are popping up…
“So much of America’s internal conflict could be avoided if our substandard public education system would/could teach all of our citizens”
Actually they drink Sterno
American exceptionalism is religion to a huge percentage of this country, and the predators take advantage of that irrational view to pump these suckers for all they are worth. It is the basis of the entire American political system. Nobody with power/wealth is interested in changing that.
To be fair, the parts of our nation that would need that kind of education are the same parts passing laws to prohibit such knowledge being taught.
So much of America’s internal conflict could be avoided if our substandard public education system would/could teach all of our citizens what “fascism” actually is. Ditto “communism” and “socialism”. Although I suspect that the students who most badly needed such information would have skipped class to drink Mountain…
Outside of Portland and SF, does antifa even exist?
On the other hand, most people are against facism. Which means...
We’re everywhere.
No, only they’re allowed to use guns, remember?
“Six antifa vehicles! Six antifa vehicles,” a trucker said over the CB radio. “Keep your heads on a swivel!” another trucker yelled.
what’re you people talking about, Jalopnik has run stories like this for 10+ years, multiple authors, believing otherwise is like .. are you new here?
I don’t understand how buying a car from it doesn’t clear that spot for a new car.
Its common to say a ship is “under steam” or “sail” to a destination. old terms stuck around.
I still dial a number on my cell phone
Depending on the circumstances, we might also be able to re-christen it the Schadenfreude
Maybe.... but I dont own a 700 million dollar yacht or a 7000 dollar yacht. So that will get filed in my “ less than zero fucks given” folder.
Well that is easy then take the ship. Whoever owns it will either come to provide ownership proving they arent a Russian oligarch or they will not which tells me that they are.
I know you’re being sarcastic [I hope]. A two second search because I type slow gives the 2nd definition of “to set sail” as: begin a voyage.