
It’s coming out for both PS4 and PS5 platforms, so you can always just get the PS4 version until you can get a PS5.

There’s a minigame involving the four-square worksheet.

I bought a playseat challenge and a new thrustmaster wheel for this bad boy. I am ready.

firing a gun in a car has to be painfully loud

Ah yes, a member of America’s well regulated militia doing God’s work on the highways of Florida. 

It’s okay, according to our Supreme Court, this jackass is a “well regulated militia”. Freedom upheld!

Well that surely didn’t go the way he fantasized it would...OH! Now I get the penis/gun metaphor!

Guns are so incredibly stupid.

This is the society you get when you treat firearm ownership as an inalienable right, rather than a privilege with responsibilities.

This must be one of the many “responsible gun owners” they have in Florida, necessitating the complete lack of firearm ownership regulation down there.

Awesome muzzle discipline, too! Just wave it around while also swerving the car. What can go wrong?

No lie. I have to ride in them every once in awhile at conferences because people have to show off how they can afford to rent limos at conferences. They’re not terribly comfortable, take forever to get anywhere in traffic, and half the time the climate control is inadequate so you’re either roasting or freezing

Oh yes.

Well Republicans tell me that arming people makes them safer and more polite, so clearly this is fake news.

I thought this was a story about one.

He hadn’t shot anyone yet in anger so he was obviously a good guy with a gun.

Man, where are all of the good guys with guns that Texans love to talk about whenever the subject of gun control comes up?  

Come again? A Texas dealership where all the workers didn’t pull out their Colt revolvers and pump him full of lead? Say whut?

Probably just another proud patriot spreading his message of freedom to the dealership.