
It’s really depressing to know there are so many of these moron Trump supporters out there. I’m a stagehand and I can’t go back to my job until things get better and these idiots are starting the pandemic all over again, it seems. I got a job for half the money and it’s no small thing to learn a whole new trade. All

Think this was intentional?

Hey, be fair.  He’s also really, really stupid

Which anti-vax guy? Ohh. That guy.

Yeah if anti-vax guy doesn’t prolong this pandemic by another 2 years it will be in the first half of May 2022.

Considering I’m one myself - I feel pretty good about them. More than I can say about the trump flag wavers. Didn’t trump complain about people from “shit-hole countries”? And selling PR and buying a white country like Greenland? Oof, that was awkward, Karen.

How is that stereotyping exactly? There’s no such thing as a calm, level-headed trump supporter. Especially if they display that on their vehicle

BMW with blinker on ... that’ s an automatic 3 month sentence reduction!

Did he prudently put his hazards on? Or was he just leaving the left turn signal flashing?

Found the fascist.

Well, at least your account name is accurate.

It was a racing incident, period. Stop whining and move on.

A poison.. that comes with a great tax break, special breaks at work and school, and big helpings of good ol’ cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.

Max was not ahead prior to the turn - he braked later and tried to turn in to shut the door very late, expecting Hamilton to back off as he’s done previously.

Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

The worst part of this is it will probably reaffirm her faith and make her even more of a looney.

This person belongs in an institution, and CPS needs to come for her kid.

Erik, it was a racing incident, pure and simple. Neither driver was about to yield the race to the other right then. Both drivers were going for the same thing and hoping that the other would bail out.

There’s a Tahoe around here that’s a few years old with “350HP V8" as its plate. Congratulations on your base engine?

I’ve had two personalized plates in my lifetime. Slobaru for my 06 STi and Go Kart for my NA miata.