
There’s no way in hell.

<flame suit on>

next thing you’ll see is a Prager U-car...

NO ONE should be using this word yet we reward some people with million of dollars for the continued use and distribution of this word.

Is that from a movie or something?
I didn’t know the Raiders scored points. 

during Passover.

It’s a lot harder to control your customer than your employee.

*looks around at all the Confederate Battle flags in the infield and parking lot any NASCAR event*...

Found him a new sponsor:

McDonald’s USA: Cuts sponsorship of Kyle Larson

Waylon Jenningski

Polish man crashes car into cemetery, police have found 300 dead and are still looking.

Drunk driver crashes into roundabout. Hundreds lay dead around burning wreckage.

That’s an overabout not a roundabout.

Pole vault.

They can keep ignoring the covid warnings & kill themselves.  How dumb can you be? I don't understand. But it's purely self imposed ignorance.  It's mind boggling the lengths these assholes go through. And they don't stop! It just doesn't stop. 

McEnany also accused Obama of vacationing during the murder of Daniel Pearl, who was beheaded by terrorists six years before Obama was elected president.

Why is this cunt’s head like 4 times the size of her body.  It’s gotta be hairspray right, it isn’t like there is anything actually IN the skull.

Isn’t that a job requirement for anyone who wants to work for Dolt45?