
The only politicians in the current election cycle that have committed voter fraud and were caught are Republicans, but facts are just an inconvenience to you people right?

I keep waiting for you MAGA idiots to provide some actual, verifiable PROOF of all this fraudulent voting activity and I have yet to see it! The fact is when you add in third party voters, over 10.7 MILLION more people in this country voted for someone NOT named Donald Trump to be President.  

Oh just shut up. You’ve posted like two dozen nonsense MAGA rants here today. In the words of your boy Donnie Jr., you sound very triggered.

Trump has done more than any President before him, more than Bush Jr. or Nixon, to actually turn America into what our enemies have parodied and caricatured us as being. It will take the rest of this century to repair the diplomatic damage he has done.

My God. Trump is the product of the winning sperm? I’d hate to meet the loser.

Aircraft - like Trump’s tan - can be re-sprayed. His eventual successor can easily revert the new 747's to something less stupid.

Great article with far more detail than I expected from the headline.

Max, that's FANTASTIC work. Well done.

The new paint scheme, like the administration itself, perfectly represents modern America: tacky, stupid, greedy and tasteless.

The government was butthurt that the inferior European aircraft industry was able to put together the finest piece of civilian/commercial aircraft engineering that the world will ever see

seconded. the type of car is irrelevant to me tho. im just a cleaning enthusiast and watching someone clean a clean car, is like watching a porn that is just people falling asleep after sex. not dirty enough

That’s the way I always feel about these too. It's so far removed from reality for me that I really can't bring myself to car about Hypercar X,Y, or Z

Such an amazingly thorough detail job would be more interesting on an old Lamborghini Miura.

I think it’s a real systemic issue. When I showed up for OIF and OEF, the Army’s maintenance and a lot of logistics capabilities were wholesale outsourced to contractors.

make it RWD and give it a manual. And give the middle finger to BMW for abandoning a vehicle class.

What would I like to see it in? A Mazda 6 Tourer, sold in the US.

Put it in a Slightly-Larger-Than-A-Miata sports car.