
He does have his undeniable charms. If he outlives Trump, every bar within a 20 mile radius of his house better make sure they have extra booze on hand because they’re going to be giving out a lot of rounds to patrons that he’s going to be buying to celebrate.

Well aside from Trump, my 3 would Betsy DeVos, Mitch McConnell and then Betsy DeVos again just to be sure.

Yeah, but they’ll blame the Mexicans and Hillary’s emails somehow. 

Hopefully his brother will take solace in the fact that the free market demanded David’s death.

This is absolutely going into my arsenal of corny dad jokes.

I am inclined to think that the world is at least a slightly better place today.

If there’s a hell, may he spend eternity in the most horrific pit. If reincarnation holds to be true, may he come back as the particular species of tarantula used as a host to parasitic wasp larvae. Repeatedly.

Sometimes being an atheist sucks. It would be nice to imagine eternal suffering instead of the relative

He probably didn’t, but I can hope he woke up somewhere screaming.  

This is good, and I only hope he died screaming.

What a shame. He died before he achieved his lifelong dream of [checks notes] being even fucking richer.

To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”

NO doubt...the NC1s are the best fun per dollar on four wheels at the moment.

It has what plants crave

I too rise barely an inch when activated.

The year is 29371 CE.

Does Nissan just have a vendetta against updating their line-up. The GTR (to me at least) has become so stale to the point where I’m not excited to spot one anymore

Too bad you can’t drive it after Labor Day.

The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law...” which means there is no federal law at all!

I see you conveniently leave out that whole “well regulated militia” thing. That’s what we now call the National Guard.

Your ellipsis intentionally left out the phrase “well regulated”.