
She signed on to this mess, she knows what kind of asshole she married. I can’t waste time feeling sorry for her.

Bitcoin is down today, so they qualify as poors.

“You know you’re creepy, right?” - says the person following me around the comment section.

I wondered for a second why no evangelicals care that our pious Commander-in-Chief sought sexual relations outside of his sacred marriage, with a member of the adult entertainment industry no less. Then I remembered, Fox News hasn’t even hinted at this having happened. Trump is staying in the White House, working

Enthusiasts are superior individuals that knows the truth.

“Our newly launched sister company on the other hand...”

Of course, they aren’t building an SUV. They are designing a Lifted HyperEnhanced Performance Electric Hybrid Utility Experience Vehicle by MSO (TM). LHEPEHUEV. Yeah. Totally not an SUV...

Jalopnik, January 18, 2020

Dodge is basically the friend you never want to get into a prank war with because they go full sociopath and forget that the point behind the whole thing was just to have fun.

It needs more power because Chevy and Dodge have more and thats the only reason anyone cares how much more power its getting.

Nurburgring lap time: 6:57

Essentially, once you get to about 62 miles up, the air is so thin that your theoretical airplane has to be traveling fast enough just to stay aloft that you would escape the clutches of Earth’s gravity anyway based on speed alone (for those wondering, it’s a little above 17,000 mph, give or take a few thousand here

In Putin’s America, cars jump you.


Pastor knows those things because he was all up in the newses, precious, and knew all those Scrabble words. Why do you think it was prohibited all those years to teach folks of color how to read ...?

Is that according to the A1-D4 scale?

Did they hit the NOS?

The passenger braces for impact

Raph, it’s a 1960s police procedural with a few character quirks and odd twists. It has a certain, appropriately glum vibe. It’s not supposed to be a video game.