@ian.nai: ....I have no words for this. Are you implying that OS X doesn't currently run on Unix, or that you think they're going to stop running it on Unix? Either way, sir, you're retarded.
@ian.nai: ....I have no words for this. Are you implying that OS X doesn't currently run on Unix, or that you think they're going to stop running it on Unix? Either way, sir, you're retarded.
@draven301: that's my current mail sound on my iPad. learn2jailbreak, slowbro.
In the block of text under the 4 pictures of the keyboard, it says "an mobile" where it should say "a mobile"
@bainelaker: You beat me to it. Good game.
It's been said a million times in the comments, now, Casey. You can correct the article by simply replacing "SLR" with "camera."
@moonshadowkati: Now, wait just a second. "Classic" doesn't apply to this Photoshopped version. Did you miss that flat panel in front of the guy?
@anexanhume: I thought the more politically correct phrase was "hit it and quit it."
@Stem_Sell: lolol I see what you did there.
Spartan MJOLNIR MK I?????
@m0m0: By whacking off while choking yourself with it.
@xenti: As I said before.....LEGENDARY!!!!!!
@Orionsaint: That's exactly what I was thinking. 100 Internetz for you, sir.
@Joe: There are none. It won't happen. What they'll do instead is attempt to sue him out of existence, then steal it, wholesale, and act like they came up with it all by themselves. See also Nullriver Installer and Cydia....I mean "The App Store."
Anyone here read Arabic? My bet is that the caption says something about him "leading" the other politicians or some such ridiculous shit.
@Ad Man Gamer: Oh my motherfucking God. I herd u liek Mudkipz.
@DancinDatsyuk: Right, because OSX (x86) and iOS (ARM) easily lend themselves to running on the same hardware...oh wait, they have completely disparate processor architecture requirements.....so when you build a processor that will fit in the iPad, use as much or less power than the A4, and make it easily do iOS and…
@wk1234: England prevails?