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    Botched nose job and all!

    ^ This

    In this situation, the AVClub is the sniveling incel who hates the pretty red head for nothing other than the fact that she exists.

    Spanfeller’s really ground this herb of a website into the ground. 

    You’re supposed to eat the whole thing. I don’t understand people who’re saving the white part. That’s the part you eat.

    The Black Hebrew Israelites are a hate group. They’re not a religion. They routinely advocate anti-semetic violence. And the cherry on top is that they don’t understand the history of the transatlantic slave trade.

    Naming your daughter after the nickname your great grandfather called your grandmother isn’t normal.

    She’s traveled 11,000 years in the past to murder a child? But she left Hitler alive? Typical Meghan.

    Jesus was a carpenter. Maybe the skate was being used as sandpaper. 

    Do we have a record of how early Muslims were allowed to eat shellfish? Their civilization colonized multiple inlands seas and much of austronesia. Eating shellfish would have been a societal advantaged, compared to Jews, who were forced into insular communities with fewer resources and without the access to shellfish.

    Go to a Jewish synagogue today. Any one of them. Tell me they don’t take their diets seriously. I’ll wait while you do actual research.

    And influenza comes from chickens, yet middle east people are still eating those.

    A 90 degree day with 10 degree water certainly sounds refreshing though doesn’t it?

    Except for the fact that it’s non of those things and that’s not what’s happening. 

    It’s a crash in the sense that the California Gold Rush was a crash. There’s nothing more to be mined. NFT’s and crypto aren’t actual money or currency. They’re barely even an asset. It’d be easier to compare them to a commodity, but since NFT’s are literally non fungible they don’t meet that metric either.

    Agreed. The now all grown up Charlie deserved however much money he got. College is expensive. 

    but the most important figures are:

    This is some weird Handmaids Tale shit. This newspaper wrote a whole article about the pretty white girl who won the beauty pageant, but they couldn’t even be bothered to write out her mother or grandmother’s names?

    This is so much more well written than the article The Root decided to run.

    I just smell butter, but ygg.