
Would bang.

I don’t disagree that the enforcement is uneven but it is on the pass traveler to dress as if they all adhere to the stricter standards. In this case it rests on the parents to ensure their kid is dressed for that. My mom worked for Northwest when I was growing up so we had to dress to the nines when we went anywhere


Maybe she just tripped and her shirt flounced in such a way it allowed for his hand to perfectly slide in? She should consider herself fortunate he was there with his hands waiting in the McSqueezy position!

Proud as hell watching my senator refusing to applaud him!!

I am well aware. I just wanted to make a paper trail pointing at my management so it could possibly help out others in the future.

I know a female engineer who does floor manufacturing and she has experienced what the woman at Tesla has only she explains it away as ‘oh that is just how guys are’.

Ugh. This is my experience in STEM too. Recently it was so bad I actually went to HR. Now I am getting laid off. You can’t even stand up for yourself it seems.

Been fighting a similar culture for 12 years. It almost seems to be getting worse.

While I am 100% behind equal pay for equal work, I feel like people tend to over simplify what is really a complicated topic. And this goes for more than just women, it can apply to any minority. I find the biggest driver behind differing salaries in at least white collar jobs are lack of opportunities women get in

That requires her to have actually not broken any laws though.

I felt the same. :-(


It is like a bald version of the aliens from the MST3K movie.

She has the wrong skin color for a harsher sentence.

I have so got to use this one with my husband. He hates when I talk about my period but sometimes I just have to share the sheer awfulness and hilarity of it.

Love the cat pose. My cats do that all the time too and I think it is the most adorable thing.

She wore a purple pantsuit once and that particular shade was offensive. I could never give her my vote. /sarcasm

Would it killed them to us either a different font size or spacing so they didn’t have to hyphenate ‘voted’ on their mobile site? It isn’t like a giant word that you have to fit in to small margin or something.

Can it happen when he is driving around Pence, McConnell and Ryan?