Daddy’s Home

damnit I can’t remember who but a TV/industry reporter made a tweet saying it’s obvious Mindy and Chris hate each other and why is nobody talking about it (I think the tweet was deleted)

I forget the specifics but she was released for a few years while awaiting a new trial and was a productive member of society, and didn’t repeat her past crimes (sorry she proved you wrong, Debra.)

Good for you, Tomatillo

And let’s not forget the original Freaky Friday (also the best one).


cough lady gaga cough

same, esp since if you look at any of her performances she does the claws scowl look every time.

fingers crossed s9 was so pedestrian because of the cast and not because of network meddling

there’s a reason it was canceled

thank christ we can all stop talking about firefly now

This is the whitest white feminism that ever white feminist.

No need for quotation marks, she is a judge. And did JJ kick your dying grandmother or something?

Keep it

well, as long as he’s moved on from eating humans it’s an improvement.

Now tell us how you really feel about Sarah Silverman...

You missed the best (worst) part, how she decided to cast the film. Such a great humanitarian: