I find it odd that people think the Judeo-Christian god is a loving one! Because the Bible makes it sound like God is a total dick.
I find it odd that people think the Judeo-Christian god is a loving one! Because the Bible makes it sound like God is a total dick.
I mean, I’d attribute this to the driver being out of control...but I also support Kevin Hart’s taking a seat for a while.
“We Are the World” is one of the shittiest songs possible, so he was smart.
You clicked on this—hastily, lustily, thirsty as a motherfucker—to read a review of Kanye West’s Jesus Is King.
Are you being this dense on purpose?
but since only 5 black people work there
The closed fist!
Never forget that Oregon was colonized by white supremacists as a racist utopia.
Because you can’t permanently banish the bacteria, I don’t think it’s worth using a harsh cleaner. Diluted bleach will kill it, but so will most bathroom cleaners- Scrubbing Bubbles, Bon Ami and some elbow grease, or Method’s bathroom cleaner will do the job, too. Just gotta clean your shower weekly.
Because you can’t permanently banish the bacteria, I don’t think it’s worth using a harsh cleaner. Diluted bleach…
I dare them to come to my door.
Yeah, lol, I don’t get those calls anymore. To say I am hostile to their cause is an understatement.
You can buy radar detectors for your car.
My favorite unsolicited phone calls, by far, come from clown-ass fools acting on behalf of patrolmen’s benevolent associations, looking for handouts for those poor, poor, put-upon pigs.
West recently announced he was bowing out of the secular music game and fully investing in gospel music.
Look, there is not one single fat person who is unaware that they are fat or that there are risks to carrying extra weight. They do not need you to tell them. And there isn’t ONE MOTHERFUCKING THING about this UNDERWEAR ADVERTISEMENT that “promotes unhealthy lifestyles.” Being fat isn’t a fucking lifestyle! It’s a…
I love that.
A lot of companies do this, especially bakeries. Excess food gets donated to homeless shelters and food pantries.