
I’m definitely enjoying Destiny 2 so far. I just hit level 6, and managed to get to the second major mission location (trying to avoid spoilers here for folks who’ve not played yet).

That said, I’m not sure about the game’s longevity for me. Like I said, apart from FF XIV (which had its claws in me from the word go, as

The raid takes 10 fucking hours?!? Holy shit I’m never doing this

I totally agree. Her outfit was a bit revealing, but also in line with her comic outfit, period armor, and male superhero costumes. It definitely wasn’t “bikini armor and high-heeled boots” as some other comments have suggested (hell, it was more coverage than the guys in 300 had).

The thing is, any shoe can be comfortable or uncomfortable regardless of heel height. I have a pair of Calvin Klein 3.5 stiletto-type heels in my closet that I will choose over most flats and even a pair of tennis shoes I own because they are more comfortable. It just depends on the engineering of the shoe.

Farming a cave to make my armor look pretty in Destiny 2.

Couldn’t agree more. People won’t stop bitching no matter what. The game is fun, one of the best shooters around. The movement is awesome. I don’t know if there is a better FPS experience out there.

I’m totally cool with the changes they made to D2. I am at 274 and grinding to move up. Not sure if I will ever see the Raid. I hope to, but it is such a huge commitment for me. I don’t get a 10hr span to do nothing but play video games. The most I would ever get is 2-3 hours. Don’t have a ton of in-game buddies on

Could not have said it better myself.

You will.

Now playing

I keep hoping for “Wild Wild”. They keep letting me down.

Thank you. I was around 25 when this debuted. I rolled my eyes at Carrie most of the time but it was fairly fresh. Even at 43 now, I still often think of the episode where Miranda wants to talk about her new Personal Digital Assistant and finally tells everyone off for letting men define their lives. Or the episode

non white lady here, it’s a guilty pleasure. At the time I loved the clothes, the apartments, the vast wealth i’d never have. Its stupid escapism.

NO NO NO NO! I want another trash movie to get drunk and make fun of! Can’t they just say she died of cancer and do it without her? Fuck, just stick a mannequin in her place!

It just didn’t age well because it was so of the time. No one on television was talking like them. It was like watching an indie film how frank they were. Now we’ve all grown past it. Sex and the City did a lot for the fashion industry as well. The concept of it bags and shoes.

OMG, college? I had it on DVD. All box set seasons. I was so proud of how the pretty colors looked in my DVD case (you know the DVD case).

The first one was enjoyable because of the FASHIONNNNN! but was completely weighed down by a) Carrie’s bird veil, b) Jennifer Hudson’s... everything, and c) the fat shaming that was thrown at Samantha.

Don’t you dare. People got actual enjoyment out of SATC. As far as I can tell, the other show was a hate watch and everyone was awful. Though, I don’t speak from experience, as I only made it through the first few minutes of Girls, before turning it off. NO THANKS.

To be fair, the worst of the bad guys, Trevor, actually ends up being one of the most complex and consistent characters.

i even heard people mentioning that about tlou that you kind of playing as a bit of a bad guy.