
Christ guys, are you trying to hand West Virginia and Arkansas to Trump!?

Most of the living people’s names are wrong, too. I’d love to get Kenan’s reaction to being called “Kenyan.”


Sorry, but fate has chosen you as The Fartwalker. You must walk the earth, a fart in your step, for eternity.

Matt Lauer is a smug, awful, creep. Team Ann all the way on this!

Anne all the way. Angelina has shown a preference to her in the past. Plus Matt’s too glib and smug and twatty.

This is what I am reminded of every time this happens. This is it right here. My right to own a gun is more important than the lives of your children.

People who shit all over teachers should keep educators like Meghan Hollingsworth in mind. Being shot in the shoulder is fucking serious and that she kept herself together to try to help the boy is *nothing* like what she was trained to do. It’s just the common personality trait of people who want to teach in today’s

Go USA Today!

Especially for a movie whose premise is literally “children from around the world who are peculiar are gathered onto an island for their own protection”. I read the book and as far as I remember all the characters were described as white and European, but there’s zero reason that had to be the case.

he likes his cast to have big eyes and no melanin. he should just be like, “i like people who look like porcelain dolls or freshly dead because that’s my aesthetic, and that’s usually white people. i like the way white people look. white people!!!”

Attitudes like this are so fucking disconnected from reality. I have never once watched a film or tv show and thought “huh, this was great, except it was a little too diverse.” I cannot for the life of me understand why directors wouldn’t want to cater to (or at least pay lip service to) the 37% of America that

Cheating: The New Negotiating

You’re underestimating how much his supporters REALLY REALLY want to have brown people know their fucking place again.

Down ticket politicians who are pro gun control. Every 2 years, not just every 4 and in every level of government.

Yeah. The strings really elevate it. The train station scene in Unbreakable is probable one of the best movie music scenes in history. But The Village music is just perfect. I have a lot of it on my autumn playlist.

Oh, totally. There were no gays before plastic containers.

Sorry to burst your condescension and faux indignation bubble but the only thing it says about them is that they probably don’t pre-screen tweets from established politicians. I doubt it was put on the air intentionally, which is why it’s so amusing.

No stamina. I mean looks. I mean stamina.