It’s disorienting and weird and a little fun if it isn’t too violent. Just stay away from windows and things that can fall on you.
It’s disorienting and weird and a little fun if it isn’t too violent. Just stay away from windows and things that can fall on you.
Well, at least we’re not on fire all the time so there.
Perhaps the glaze on the ceramic? Not sure. Could be something at the molecular level with how the food is cooked. I just know I always get a headache when I’m around a Crock-Pot but when the food is done I don’t taste anything [shruggie]
If there’s one kind of cooker that’s going to fuck up your house and kill someone, it’s a pressure cooker.
I do find that whenever I use my crockpot the delicious food smells are mixed with a sharp plastic smell, which I assume is from heating its various plastic parts and/or some kind of coating on the inner dish. Is it possible you’re detecting this in the food itself?
Since we’re accepting anecdata as evidence now, I want you to know that since I started getting the flu shot in 2014 I haven’t had even the smallest fever, so it is actually 100% effective!
It’s called clickbait and it’s working!
That was my first thought as well, to have Portman play her “daughter” Leia. I think it could be poetic but it could also go so, so wrong.
Pocari Sweat is soooooo delicious though.
Where’s your post on how selling women expensive hair care products is celebrating a patriarchal system that tells them they are only worth of love if they are beautiful?
No, you see you still have some narrow, preconceived notion of what Islam is. I say again: ask a few Muslim women why they are Muslim and you’re going to hear many answers that are largely in line with why women (and men) turn to Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, or Hinduism, all of which are patriarchal, but all of…
How about you ask some Muslim women what they think before deciding what their religion means for them, you incredible hypocrite.
You absolutely know they were thinking that when they named her and I admire their foresight.
Yeah he has had some really awful films come out, some of which he was actually a producer on, which has got to sting :|
I don’t know where they’re getting that info either, but if you compare the difference in lifetime gross and budget for the last five of Mark’s films vs. Michelle’s (where budget is available), Michelle’s have come out about $80M ahead while Mark’s are about $100M in the hole.
Sorry, didn’t seem to be in the comment I replied to where you said he didn’t care about the Resistance, but I see your later comment that elaborates on his arc.
Gotcha. Yeah I replied to both, and if there’s a way to tell on Kinja which comment someone is replying to, I don’t know it!
I don’t disagree at all. Your take is exactly mine. Finn was anything but a coward throughout TLJ, even through his changing motives. John up there was saying TLJ backpeddles on Finn’s bravery and I was like “were we watching the same movie?” Looks like you and I were ;)
Um he went on a suicide mission to save the Rebellion, and tried to sacrifice himself to stop the First Order’s cannon on Crait. Even if he’s not politically attached to the Resistance, he definitely cares about the people in it.
Whaaaaaat on earth are you talking about. How was Finn a coward?