
But many legal documents also have to be notarized and sometimes filed to be enforceable. Just cause I sign a thing doesn’t mean it is suddenly legally binding, especially in the case of life and death. The fact that it’s tattooed on someone’s skin only adds to the mystery of its intent. One can draw conclusions about

Mr. V... claw-arm.... flying-bird... P... smiley-face? Did I get it?

With universal healthcare, we would actually probably have more DNRs on file, because more people would have exposure to doctors ahead of time who can guide them through these tough decisions and file their advance directives appropriately.

Thank you! Someone that understands.

Ooo if stove does count I would absolutely say our induction stove. It sounds gimmicky but it is pure magic.

Do it. You won’t regret it.

CNN is reporting that most of the victims and perpetrators are Sami.

The youngest of the 82 victims is four years old.

Ah, yes. The hierarchy of ass-licking Jezebel has implemented. You go ahead and cling to that ;)

*criticizes someone for “shouting the same thing over and over and over”*

You really think that doctors asking to use your deidentified tissue samples from procedures you already underwent for educating other medical professionals is remotely similar to - indeed worse than - a doctor offering you a discount if and only if you allow her to show a video of your treatment to the world? My god

I’m not saying she doesn’t. She is a very good doctor and I do believe she has her patients’ interests at heart. But that doesn’t mean the incentives she provides aren’t potentially perverse, especially if she is capitalizing on their consent to use video of their medical treatment.

And yet you fail yet again to even remotely clarify your “point” or make a single cogent argument... hmmm...

Oh, I understood you. You asked OP if people getting paid for receiving treatment (or not, if it’s a placebo) in the form of a clinical trial and doctors receiving payment for services rendered is on the same level as Dr. Lee providing monetary incentive for patients to give the public access to their video footage of

As long as patient privacy is protected, and doctors and medical facilities aren’t making money off the videos...

My point was not exactly how the information was used, but how it is gathered. Again, medical research is intensely scrutinized by oversight committees to ensure that patients are not coerced. Generally, there is some discomfort and inconvenience associated with the trial for which patients are compensated, but that

It does to some degree. If people cannot afford treatment of their medical conditions because of our system, then they are incentivized to seek out discounted care, in this case in exchange for limited disclosure of private medical information. She is not a contributor to our healthcare problems, but she is taking

How about we don’t try to fix our broken healthcare system with a Black Mirror-like voyeurism and monetization of their treatments? Please?

Completely different. One is a precursor to extending those treatments to other patients in the future. It is research for which the public benefit is clear. There is intense oversight of clinical trials before, during, and after, and stringent protections in place for patients to ensure that they are NOT coerced into

Yeah... and they die.