
My point was not exactly how the information was used, but how it is gathered. Again, medical research is intensely scrutinized by oversight committees to ensure that patients are not coerced. Generally, there is some discomfort and inconvenience associated with the trial for which patients are compensated, but that

It does to some degree. If people cannot afford treatment of their medical conditions because of our system, then they are incentivized to seek out discounted care, in this case in exchange for limited disclosure of private medical information. She is not a contributor to our healthcare problems, but she is taking

How about we don’t try to fix our broken healthcare system with a Black Mirror-like voyeurism and monetization of their treatments? Please?

Completely different. One is a precursor to extending those treatments to other patients in the future. It is research for which the public benefit is clear. There is intense oversight of clinical trials before, during, and after, and stringent protections in place for patients to ensure that they are NOT coerced into

Yeah... and they die.

Not every dietary preference is a disorder, this is true. But it becomes a disorder when it’s an abnormal condition you cannot change of your own volition that has a deleterious effect on your life. Many dietary afflictions - in spite of seeming like preferences (and in spite of you yourself being able to overcome

Beau... a deer... a he-male deer.

It does allow him to continue to control the news cycle.

The “only pretty girls get harassed” narrative is often related to feelings of worthlessness in oneself, and being an emotional response, is very hard if not impossible to rationalize away with facts and logic. You might find more headway in trying to build up her feelings of compassion for herself as well as others,

Oh god he is such a shitshow. Again, this is exactly something a toddler would say and you would know IMMEDIATELY that the one specifically excluded was most dishonest.

I have the most tremendous smells, believe me.

This is, perhaps, the kindest interpretation of his actions.

The snark is not against Seth, it’s against Forbes basically saying, “Look at all the bad shit women have had to go through because of men. You know what we need? MORE MEN.”

You heard that from Trump, didn’t you?

This can be said about anyone, but considering their age, he could be the last president they ever receive honors from. It makes my heart hurt so, so, so much. He should not be allowed to breathe the same air as them.

I’m going to be that person and say:

I can’t really figure out what benefit he thought he was going to get by mentioning his racist nickname for a white woman to them.

Depends on what those terms are.


Compared to who she’s married to, he’s a Hemsworth.