She has the receipts for her top tier voice too, you know. Even if you don’t like her style, her technique is excellent, inarguably.
And yet, Lemonade is better musically and artistically than anything Sia has put out in the last 5 years (probably ever). And I say this as a long-time fan of both.
You are completely and utterly wrong. The spoof is decent, but Beyonce is miles and miles and miles above it in talent and technique.
Slovenliness doesn’t even begin to cover what seems to be a complete and utter disregard for basic health standards.
You let her defeat you, Bobby. You are doing exactly what she wants. You are not the chosen one.
It sounds good, but it’s not sufficient to me as a Tday main. Give me protein. I want something to chew with my potatoes, dammit!
I’m sorry, but if you served me a whole cauliflower as a Thanksgiving main I would be sooooo disappointed (though I would still eat it).
Excuse me, I am going to go rage-barf forever.
Where’s my tailypo
Unless you feel like being this squirrel’s secret nut stash, forget about him.
I like this idea, but those contracts would have to be soooo carefully worded to protect both parties. Marriage usually entails a combining of assets to a certain degree, and I strikes me as more fraught to have an uncoupling of lives marked by just a contract expiring than the extensive legal hurdles you have to jump…
“Jesus overslept” John 11:35
In a just world...
100% it’s cause Don Jr wants to shoot them and Daddy is obliging.
You know, I totally believed the headline until I clicked through.
It’s a circus masquerading as a zoo likely due to the public’s negative association with circuses. They have traditional carnival games and also allow rides on their elephants and camels, which is something I’ve never heard of a zoo doing. Furthermore, they “rent out” their animals for events, such as a giraffe for a…
Can I just say, that knowing there’s an elephant out there name Karen just tickled my cold, dead heart.
That’s satire.... right?